The current theory is that & rsquo; evolution describes in one family tree for all living beings. So that & rsquo; in fact it is highly likely that more & rsquo; there is a number of trees & rsquo; evolution appeared at different times and that & rsquo; they continue to unfold in simultaneous.

If theories, such as Jeremy England hold true, unicellular and even multicellular beings can create at any time.

It is d & rsquo; moreover unlikely that all the & rsquo; evolution of all species, goes back to a single DACU (last universal ancestor ), or LUCA (Last Universal Common Ancestor ) in English. It is much more likely that & rsquo; there is more DACU. There may even be new DACU who would create every day. And there is certainly a multitude of DACU who appeared and disappeared even after millions of & rsquo; & rsquo years; developments.

It is very likely that & rsquo; & rsquo idea; a single common origin that dates back to a single unicellular being is linked to creation myths of & rsquo; universe by a single cause or a single person.

L & rsquo; archeology will never regain more standby living cell. And even if we found all species that have existed. It would be impossible to link, beyond doubt, especially in the case of unicellular multicellular species and even without a genetic analysis of & rsquo; DNA. But, as the life of the genetic code n & rsquo; is a few million years, it is highly unlikely that & rsquo; we may one day find the & rsquo; DNA, nondegraded, which can have up & rsquo; several billion & rsquo; years! Then it is probably unrealistic to believe that & rsquo; one day we can prove that all life originally d & rsquo; a single first living cell.

In fact it is more likely that & rsquo; in fact there were several sources of creation of life that would allow different trees of & rsquo; evolution & rsquo; appear at different times of the & rsquo; s life story.

So, instead of expressing an evolutionary tree containing all living species by linking to a single unicellular being original as does classical figuration :

A tree

It is more likely that evolution caused several evolutionary trees appeared at different times :Tree 1

And several developments shafts which are disappeared :Tree 2

This new hypothesis remains to be verified and could simplify the search d & rsquo; ancestors common to different species. When in fact it may be that there is simply "evolution" or linear genetic changes in various species. And not necessarily always Species Division from & rsquo; one source. This would eliminate many branch lines, n & rsquo; having never existed, can not be found.

Yves Marineau

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