Because to Vote, must be informed about the program of candidates. And that in & rsquo; current situation, I still do not know who to vote.

Following my advice, one candidate, as advised, we distributed a summary of its program. So how to judge who is the best program, with one program, d & rsquo; one candidate, in hand?

And unfortunately, no candidate for mayor will sent us a summary of the program. While the polls are already open!


Some will say that c & rsquo; is everyone to do their civic duty and s & rsquo; inform.


  • In media that do not even cover half of the candidates?The n & rsquo; not the media to screen for voters. Voters are large enough to make that choice themselves. But despite all the reproaches made to the media, they continue d & rsquo; influence the vote to a handful of pre-selected candidates; knowing that their screening has a decisive effect on the & rsquo; after the vote.
  • Can we s & rsquo; inform in debates, where & rsquo; n & rsquo it; not even invite half the candidates, and provide only d & rsquo flanges; information?Is that & rsquo; a head of good debater party automatically mean that & rsquo; he has a good program? Not sure.
  • Or, Should we vote for those who have the most beautiful, or larger campaign signs, on posts?Not. Advertisements, cartons distributed to doors and election signs are a real insult to the & rsquo; human intelligence.


Some will say d & rsquo; go to the website of the candidates. But who has the time d & rsquo; go and do an internet search to find the program of all candidates? And then, decode and compare all programs?

With half of the population has difficulty reading, or understand a text, not surprising that more than half of the population n & rsquo; not go to vote; because misinformed.


To vote, must have access to program quickly candidates, clear and precise.


So I don & rsquo; go not vote for candidates who waste the & rsquo; taxpayers' money to insult them with placards on poles.


It does not cost 1 $ by anyone & rsquo; d & print a summary rsquo; one page per candidates and distribute it to the door. And no more expensive d & rsquo; s add & rsquo; d & rsquo address, a website for more d & rsquo; information on each candidate.


And for the convenience of all voters, why not a website such as electoral compass funded from the budget of the elections for all elections at all levels of government?


Normally, I don & rsquo; therefore not go vote because I do not know who to vote. Since I n & rsquo; have not been properly informed. And I do not want to fund candidates who squander election funds indecently, by not concentrating their efforts on Election & rsquo; effective voter information. To publicize their program, in & rsquo; through funds allocated to them.


And the director of elections, and the provincial department that oversees municipal elections, are also responsible for this lack of Directive, next to the & rsquo; use of electoral public funds. They do not do their electoral duty, and democratic, by not allowing, all candidates, to make their way egalitarian program.


C & rsquo; is still at the height pocket. The n & rsquo; therefore no surprise that candidates are tempted by corruption, to d & rsquo; have more money to get elected by becoming known, because unfortunately, too many people still vote for the most "known" person. But if people vote for the most "experienced" is not it lack of get an opinion from the electoral programs? Is it not because people are misinformed they fold knew the illusion of "knowing" a candidate?


While, to fully inform everyone, about all candidates, it should not cost more than 1 $ per voter.

And should not require, candidates, d & rsquo; having to raise funds. And allocating a budget equal to all candidates; there would be less d & rsquo; incentives for corruption.


It would be easy to d & rsquo; a stone… four strokes, reduce the electoral budget, well informed voters, reduce corruption and… increase the participation rate!


For all these reasons I don & rsquo; go to vote, as half the population.

But as in a healthy democracy requires a strong opposition; j & rsquo; therefore going to vote for the & rsquo; opposition and I & rsquo;'ll vote for candidates overlooked by the media.


Yves Marineau, Montreal


Secretary-founder of the Movement for True Global Democracy

and author of Manifesto for a True Global Democracy, (available free online)


N.B. Reproduction permitted provided the source is next: http://yvesmarineau.com/blog/?p=414

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2 Responses to WHY I WOULD NOT VOTE?

  1. Miguel Chehuan says:


    I regret that you think that way. I would not have expected this kind of posture of a person with higher education.

    I am a private citizen, that after evaluating the options, I not only decided to vote for Richard Bergeron, but I joined as a volunteer in his campaign to help get his message. I found a party incorporates, democratic at the base and about my values.

    I agree with your idea of ​​electoral compass "public", but I do not buy the argument that citizens "do not fool could read". Project Montreal and other parties, we went door to door, visited community centers, engaged in local debates.

    If Montreal goes wrong, it is through this that people are not interested and do not vote… stop whining and inform us. Participate in elections, but also to the length of the year in citizen action groups, borough council, etc.

    If you do not go to vote, it's your choice, but know that there is a large proportion of humanity that does not even have this option.

    • Yves Marineau says:

      Speaking to read… I have not written that I n'irai not vote, I wrote why I go do not vote.
      The statistical outputs this month indicated that many 50% of the population had read difficulés.

      In the last election I voted for Richard Bergeron. But, This week I have recieved a card without information and placards on poles. While money was paid to the party with my vote.
      So this is the least that I may be right to be informed on the candidates' programs.

      It is not with door to door, visits to community centers and local debates that I can know and compare the candidates' programs.

      And as I wrote, it's a little easier to say that it is for voters to learn.
      If we really want people to go vote, should really start by informing adequately.

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