A worrying link between the number of average annual earthquakes and rising temperatures seems clear.
The number of earthquakes has risen sharply since 1960. And what is most worrying is that the slope of the increase in the average number of tremors per decade is exactly the same as that of CO2 production.; or approximately 4,7.
Given the margin of error of the data, it is difficult to compare slopes in total greenhouse gas production., CO2 equivalence, of 5,9 and the average temperature anomaly relative to the mean of 1901 to 2000 of 7,5 since there may be a delay between when there is a rise in temperature and an increase in the number of earthquakes. Especially since several other factors can influence more or less short periods of time ( solar heating, CO2 absorption by trees and seas, etc.).
With regard to earthquakes, since tectonic plate movements occur at depths; it may take a few months, otherwise a few years, before the rise in surface temperature, penetrates the Earth's crust to the point of having a dilation effect on them.
We can see that the temperature seems to accelerate exponentially. I pointed out in 2013 that sea levels were rising exponentially (1). As one does not go without the other, The result is therefore obvious.
In itself the increase, alone, of the number of earthquakes requires an explanation. The only conceivable cause for the moment remains global warming which, by slowly penetrating deep, will expand the Earth's surface crust., c0mme any solid body. And to some extent the temperature rise could reach the soft part under the Earth's crust and increase the number of volcanic eruptions..
To the long list of deadly environmental cataclysms must therefore be added those exacerbated by rising temperatures and their effect on earthquakes..
The number of deaths from pollution now exceeds 10 million people per year; to which must now be added the number of deaths exacerbated by earthquakes. What makes pollution a crime worse than the worst genocide. All those who pollute, still, are therefore worse than the Nazis.
Yves Marineau, sociologist
(c) 2021-2023 Reproduction permitted provided the source is next : http://yvesmarineau.com/blog/2023/02/08/lien-entre-les-tremblements-de-terre-et-les-bouleversements-climatique
(1) See “The rising sea level is exponential!“