In response to the letter: “Before leaving God decor!” Jean-Pierre Proulx in Le Devoir 12 July 2018
Which countries have the highest crime rates? The most believers countries.
Thatthe country has the lowest crime rate? The most atheistic country.
Committing terrorist attacks? Majority of Muslims in Muslim countries and… Christian believers in Christian countries!
Tell me when to took place last terrorist attack of an atheist? Or how many-he had to atheist attacks this year?
Believing in God is to believe in anything other that are own judgment.
Believing in God is to need a guru to tell us how to think instead of learning to think for oneself; develop his own judgment.
Believing in God is fragile and being easily influenced by other; rather than being critical of the views of the other.
This is why the crime rate in Quebec has been declining steadily since Quebec are …out of churches; they have learned to think in their course of philosophy at Cégep; … and became, more and more, atheists!
“God is love”, is only a wishful thinking; the message does not seem to go in believers!
If in fact, in acts, are atheists acting best, why insist on less effective words that the use of thought; Instead beliefs?
It's fine to appoint “models” like Luther King and Pope Francis; but what's the point if the most xenophobic, pro-charter of values, anti-racist and acommodements are precisely, in the facts, especially believers?
Who destroy the planet more? Who produces the most oil? Who still has more cars? Who still burns more fossil energy? … believers! Because believers believe everything they are told, they are the first to do everything consumerist advertising tells them to do.
While atheists are mainly environmentalists, move more bike, buy bio, local, fair, Ethics, etc.
Contrary to Benoit Leger said in his text “Atheists, forgotten minority”(1) what is needed is not so much God out of the scenery than to know the mind, the jugement, instead of believing people. Then they will make their own judgment; and later will come of itself.
Personally, I denounce all my life monolithic education system through which I passed; and who has never learned what was known about the origins of the myth of God, who invented god, the gods, etc.(2)
(2) On this subject see my text “Phenomenology of Religions Or ORIGIN OF RELIGIONS ARAB ... or WHY THE ARABS ARE VERY CONSERVATIVE? ... BECAUSE OF THE INVENTION OF WRITING ...!”