


Because writing only been 5 000 years. There is no written source on the thinking of legendary societies.

We must therefore infer, from historical and anthropological studies, of the "primitive" “primitive”, the first assumption.


For the primitive, as for us, the dream is so realistic that we feel that our mind leaves our body when we dream. Hence the origin of the myth of the separation of body and mind.

Contact Us, it is now clear that both are completely unified, but it was not obvious to the primate, who thinks so unrealistic, and believes his own impression as if it were science.

There are still, today, people who believe that the spirit leaves the body; that speak of astral – or, who think flying in their sleep. I confess to have personally flown into the house several times when I was young.

Yet no one ever claimed to have seen; in this state, something that is outside the statistical coincidence – party of reality.

If so, there are people who have seen things! Combination of numbers safe unfold before them. See his neighbor or his neighbor take a shower (I would have liked it, I have a beautiful neighbor!), etc.

D’ailleurs, notice to interested, I wrote a large number, with a large felt, on a sheet of paper that I put on my fridge. I challenge, whoever, to tell me that number is written, and on what it is and what is the sheet color?

The original myth of the separation of body and mind, would be at the origin myths of the life of the spirit after death, of reincarnation and beyond, of heaven and of hell ..., etc.


Once the myth of the separation of body and mind firmly rooted in the mentality, it was enough for the primate combines any "manifestation" natural or "supernatural" to the spirit of the missing ancestors.

So, all events, object or living being can be invested with the spirit of the ancestors. Since the body and mind can be separated, in the primitive way of thinking, mind can, "Logically" survive the death of the body.

The mind can, still, manifest himself to the living!

So, belief in reincarnation, the spirits, etc.


Inside, the primitive societies, children are not raised by parents, but by the clan or extended family (grandparents, uncles, haunts, neighbors, etc.) So, not surprising that the dead spirits come in various forms. Over time, and generations from, minds of and their ancestors has reified in the concept of godx. Hence the appearance of the gods which will be linked to the sun, ocean, Earth, Fertility, etc.

Of course, after millions of years, the origin of the gods and the reification lost their origins with time. As no written tradition was existing, there is only oral tradition, through his stories and psalms, that come to our recent society.


In Jewish society, clan disappears in favor of single-family nucleic. Children are not raised by the clan, but by the family. Whose father, serves as principal of Patriarch, if not authoritarian. It is family authority, hence the importance of the male line in the Old Testament, characteristic of patriarchal societies.

The ancestors are now the fathers. The society will henceforth polytheistic, but monotheistic, the image of family structure. The gods become, the god. The one we now call God, father ...!


If the Arab religions differ from animistic and polytheistic societies on the basis of monotheism, this is where, the only major distinction.

Apart from this difference, the Arab way of thinking, is the same as all traditionalists societies, so primitive.

Arab thought seems to be a : "You think as I say, sinon…! "While, actually, this is a big "we all think the same thing" in the collective unconscious.

Deviance is not allowed in primitive society. Everyone must think the same way. What Durkheim calls "thinking in unison".

Deviants are disposal, released outside the clan, or just stoned to death. Jews where stoning Christians. Because Jesus was thinking a little differently from the orthodox Jewish. But beware, Stoning is not religious, nor Arabic. Stoning is characteristic of primitive societies of the Mediterranean. We find stoning in a wide variety of cultures, and religions existed.


Arabic Religionsincluding, Judaic, Christian and Muslim, are a crystallization of Arab customs, d'il y a 3 000 years in Egypt for Judaism. There are also several passages in the Old Testament that come from the first known monotheistic religion, Egyptian-born (is, coincidence that as the Jews), ... ... The solar cult of Aten!


Jesus was a Jew, So parents where with Middle Eastern culture (Arabic). He studied Judaism, and made some minor changes. Hence the condemnation of the monks of Judaism, who demanded to Roman that Jesus ... finally should be killed by crucifixion for religious "blasphemy"!

But in general, he only retransmit the primitive traditions that still existed there 2 000 years that have been written in by so-called "sacred" texts.


Muhammad was an Arab (from Saudi Arabia). And has, also, that retransmit the values ​​of his time to it over 1 000 years in Saudi.


Religions are a written crystallization of customs that existed in the primitive Arabic societies before the existence of writting.

Writing appeared only 5 000 years, but has beginning his "devastation" only 2 000 years.

Previously we spoke only of religious sects. There could be as many sects as that there is communities. The Roman Empire was a mosaic of diverse religious cultures. In the early Christianism themselves were talking about sects, speaking about Jewish . But, writing would change the game.

The Jews did not even know writing at the beginning of Judaism. The table of laws had been written in... Aramaic! Since few cultures had writing, its mass effect took a long time to spread because only few people could read.

Imagine the impact of a table of laws written for a nation of illiterates. The impact was as big if not more so today with the release of a new "sacred" gadget . The arrival of writing could only give a sanctity to the plebs from any text from the ancestors.

Jesus, like Muhammad also, could neither read nor write! Surprising for “son of god”! (In fact they never claimed to be the son of god. It is their successors who have claimed. Reification posthumously. It reminds you of something? (see before.))

But their words, or what one has reported in writing[2], have survived to them. And texts, and their reproductions have reach huge amounts of people. Allowing, what would normally be a local oral Arab sect, become religions with hundreds of millions of members. So it is the appearance of writing that is at the origin of religions .... Otherwise Judaism, Christianity and Islam would never have been more than only minor regional Arab sects as there were both at the time. But, they themselves be "lucky" to be right in the place of the appearance of writing ...! The Sumerian Arab empire!

Arab sects have been the first in the world to take advantage of writing to be transmitted around the world. Hence the predominance of Judeo-Christian and Islamic, so Arabic, around the world.

So, we should said that the "large", on behalf, monotheistic religions were born from writing rather than the invention of god!

So it is the Arab sects that have spread, like wildfire, around the world in the form of religion through writing. Because the distinction between sect and religion is based only on the number of members of the sect.

Not to mention the later invention of printing by Gutenberg, which has enabled an explosion of the expansion of Arab religions, that were already in place, throughout Europe. Printing at 15th century allowed to serve the colonizers, who used the printed Bible to indoctrinate the peoples of all the planet. Colonization and printing have therefore allowed to cover the planet's primitive thinking from traditionalist Arabic cultures to the detriment of local ones.

The Bible does say : "Slave you should submit yourself to your master"?

What better way for slave societies?

And, to parody Bourdieu[3], it's written, So it's true!

But, there are some who still believe that a god may be for slavery!

When in fact, Those writings are the crystallization of primitive traditional Arabic customs, of a few thousand years.


Philosophy will differ dramatically from religion. When Buddha says : "Do not believe everything I say," he opened the door to a way of thinking radically opposed to that of the primitive religions which take traditionalist thinking that says, and orders: "Believe everything I tell you".

But, philosophy will not benefit, from the beginning, de l'écriture. It will therefore take a few centuries behind the development of religions.

Asian philosophy probably precedes all the philosophies known. But, as philosophy was not born in the seat of writing, Middle East, it will grow, really, only later. The writing does develop in Asia, in Greece and Europe only after the Middle East. Arab religion will therefore, a step ahead of the philosophy, through transmission mode of writing.

That's why philosophy was relegates to second place during the Middle Ages. Religion is in fact the vast blackness of philosophical thought throughout this period.

For this reason, still, that our thinking is, again and again, much closer to that of primitive societies, as rational and logical thinking that will exist in 1 000, 10 000 or 1 million years.

Philosophy is perhaps no more than 3 000 years. But primitive traditional thinking has been around for millions of years! So what thinking mode still dominates us do you think?

Our culture is still totally imbued with the primitive way of thinking.

You can not pass a primitive thought, a rational thought, in a few thousand years.

Our thinking is still largely based on that of our most primitive ancestors.

Ah! If philosophy had appeared where the writing is born! We would not have had a long detour through the dogma of religion and eventually lead back to rationality a few centuries later. We can say that religion has been a long error because the un-reason.


Most people are not yet able to think for themselves, and need to be dictating, and to comply, the common thought primitive.

As described by anthropologists[4], in primitive society, only "the one with the word" speaks. And he speaks only to repeat continuously the values, customs and habits, of his traditional primitive society.

We made the mistake of translating the Hebrew title of Jesus by "prophet" in English. But, actually the translation just does not exist in English. If we wanted to translate his profession successfully, we should say ... "The one who possesses the word"!

Exactly the same way as we give, in primitive societies, to the one with the "word" of ancestors. The one who repeats the ancestral teachings of the fathers. Teachings which survived, only those who conformed.

Because for survival, in traditional societies, had to comply with the cycles of the seasons, in order to gather and hunt, then raise and cultivate, for its own survival and that of the community.

Those who wanted to defy the rules do not necessarily have survived. Those who sow the fields before winter starved. Only conformists, who planted the fields in spring, survived. Those who have listened to their fathersincluding clan and their biological father (or adoptive) survived. Those words have thus enabled the survival of the species, as well as social life. These words, thus became "sacred". Because the tradition was, in cyclical companies, a guarantee of survival.

Imagine Tomorrow, the first standard of any society : "Thou shalt not kill" does not exist. The company would have not survive even a generation. If everyone lived alone in his cave, and that even the men and women killing each other, the human race would have disappeared long ago, because they can not even reproduce. This "law", "Thou shalt not kill", transmitted by the ancestors, and allowing the survival of the species, has become inevitable sacred, therefore "divine" as anything that ensures the survival of the species. The ancestral laws have slowly transformed into "divine law".

The sacred is thus inevitable. In primitive societies it has lost its primary reason, sometimes rational, based on an explanatory reason, as is : respect for life. But, there is sometimes irrational or obsolete bases. This is what distinguishes religion, religious dogma, coming from the original dogmatism, of philosophy. Religion has lost its original rational basis and it also includes myths and beliefs, and without making any distinction.


Modern societies no longer live in a cyclic mode[5] following the seasons. We live in a linear society with an exponentially explosion of technologic and knowledge .

Human beings no longer interacts with its environment on a cyclical basis. Repeating the same process each year tailored to the seasons.

In economically developed societies work is a-cyclical, it is linear. Repeating every day, but turning in processes that have come to change the seasonal cycle itself!

Technological development is not created to fit the natural cycles, but change and alter the natural cycle.

But how do we respond to these changes? In primitive and irrational traditional ways, or logical and rational?

When this is 50 years is said that pollution kills, and people still burn oil, knowing that murder is a crime, do they act so primitive (irrational) or modern (logic)?

In 50, 100 or 1000 years, when people will learn that we have killed to get around and the huge natural disasters that they live, are caused by our conservatism, Does they will say that we where modern people, or primitive ones?

Here is proof, that our thinking is still much closer to that of the caveman, then that the rational being that we believe to be. And we will be more rational, unfortunately too late. Because human beings learn more from mistakes, rather than a rational expectation, effects of his actions.

The people of 21th century still believe in a primitive, reassuring ways. Compliance is required. It reassures. Being told what to do, and what to think, what behavior to repeat day after day, is reassuring, and less disruptive, that free thought and behavior change. Because human culture is inherently conservative, of its origins.

The high priests, who have speech, were replaced by the high priests of consumerism. Advertising plays exactly the same role, unifying, the priests of primitive societies. Today people are quite critical to say do not do what the advertising tells them, but everyone still has a gasoline car to the door! Everyone likes to do like everybody else, and gather in large gatherings cultural, or sports, as before, in processions, to church to receive communion together ....


But, unfortunately, we no longer live in a cyclical society.

We live in a world now linear, with an explosion effect. Primitive behavior, conservative, is the least appropriate face a "truth", the reality, changing. Religious behavior, dogmatic cycle has become outdated and totally inadequate to face a reality not cyclical any more, that repeats, but a changing reality that needs new solutions and to adapt new behaviors.

Human society, under the yoke of selfish economic, conservative, is running to ruin.

Religion, is always present, but in another form. This is the primitive religious thinking way that persists.

And religious, are the biggest modern criminals! The greatest criminals, wear jackets ties, or traditional clothing, and go to the religious temple regularly and do not feel guilty of any crime.

Atheists, them, can not commit crimes because they face their consciousness.

The believers has gods, who forgive them all their crimes. They do not have to question themselves and to challenge themself. So they do not change their behavior as long as the majority of people will not change their. The religious is conformist, conservative, traditionalist in all aspects of his life and his behavior. Even if the bus passes in front of is door, he will use his gaz car. And believe hard as iron, that the car saves him his time and money.[6]

For this reason, there are more atheists Environmentalists, than believers.

Conservatism reigns, while they should change their habits.

We must be not conservative any more, traditionalist, primitive. We must adopt new behaviors, adapted to the new reality. We must develop renewable green energy, but, instead, were still trying to develop the economy at the lowest cost, short-term, in the early Conservative economic logic: Shale Gas, oil sands, more coal, "Clean", are part of the conservative logic.

We therefore, still, more near from the primitive thought that we think. Modern and rational thinking, of the freethinkers, is still in the infancy.


And we will not talk, on top, about those religious fundamentalists who advocate, for example, endless reproduction of the human species on earth. Out of all logical.

Soon 10 billion! Why not 100, or 1 000 billion, if we follow the religious irrational and dogma logic! Land can, perhaps, come to feed so many people. But it will not be desirable at all. Back to the Stone Age, because of the lack of resources. And especially, cut the last tree of the last forest, to get there, cultivating all the land, and eating the last animal alive so that it does not come to graze our fields!

If there was a god, does it have given the reason for human beings, to act in a dogmatic way, illogical and irrational, religious or so ..., on the contrary, in a logical and rational ways?

Excessive eproduction, is another whiff of values ​​of primitive societies, for which the reproduction was a matter of survival for the warrior community. Today, the human race is not at risk because of its declining birthrate, but its excessive presence on earth.


But, even today, the religioous monolithism is still taught in schools in many parts of the world. Symbol of the failure of the international education system, the West prefers to burn oil in their big cars, rather than pay more taxes so that all children have access to the world security, health care and education.

Religion, in school, is leading only to that way of monolithic thinking from primitive traditional thinking. Education system through which we had to go, not so long ago, and that I will always denounce. Hidding me for too long the facts, the religions, atheism and philosophy. Different ways to think. And especially long hidden about the explanation given by the anthropological history about religions to avoid me to do my own opinion. Since dogmatism hates differences in thinking he taught only his way of thinking. That's why today there are still children who study in segregated... religious schools. Where it prevents children to study with people different from themselves. As prevented blacks and whites to attend the same schools in racist past!

I always denounce all big cheese, right thinking, we have educated us in the religious monolithic primitive conservative ways. And now that lead us to loss, if a change of course, radical, is not done quickly.

It will take how many floods, landslides, destructive fire, d’ouragans, etc. before we end up with, not the end of the world, but the end of the cyclical conservative world become completely obsolete in our history straight?

Today, more than ten million people die each year due to pollution, and over a million because of climate change. It will get to how many millions a year, so that beforeconservatives wake up?

We already broke the record, the largest genocide in the history of mankind. It will multiply it by how many before stopping?

Or even worse, will we wait until half the agricultural land is submerged by the ocean?


The transition from oral to written societies, We may have seemed a necessary, and grandiose way to modernity. But, on the contrary, in oral societies, the one with the word, could adapt his words to new realities. Jesus was a, for example, declare void the stoning, in a more modern society. But writing, changed all that. Writing came to set primitive traditions, dating from a bygone era. Writing fixed what was changing, which adapted the... reason.

In other words, primitives were more modern in a way than we are. Writing, across written religions, has come to reduce levels of human race, because human beings, has not yet mastered the consequences of the crystallization of written, traditions now totally obsolete. Unless you still believe, that God is sexist, and believe that "women submit yourself to your husband"[7] is a divine word and still relevant. And believe that if Jesus chose 12 apostles men, is because God was sexist. Rather than because, at the time of Jesus, men, Arab, in a patriarchal society, were sexist, and that the texts were written by men and for men. And that the texts were not written, or inspired, by God as some believe! And texts, are still interpreted today by men that perpetuate gender conservatism of the past. The popes of all acabits are the guardians of tradition .... And therefore can not change religion.

As if there really was a god, it would be not sexist, either in favor of slavery!

Who would ever think, aujourd’hui, to return to slavery?

We must therefore stop seeing the writings as sacred “sacred”. There is no more religion. Religions are not the cause of "sacred" texts. On the contrary, these are the texts, so-called “sacred”, that become, for the primitive Conservatives who believe naively to anything, religions. Writing has created the Arab religions. Writing a sacred writing.

Dictionaries has had the same "religious" impact on the development of oral and written vocabulary. Slowing its progress and by ensuring that language, like French, are, aujourd’hui, still elitist, even after the reform.

The languages ​​were much more alive before we bury them in dictionaries!

It is also because of the dictionaries that the Chinese and Japanese written languages ​​are among the most tedious to learn.

Written text preventing “religiously” any reform. The text sacralizes.

The U.S. constitution is now obsolete, but can not be reformed by the Conservatives produced from primitive thought.


Therefore, it is time to stop being passive readers of past traditions, and we should be involved in the writing of new rules. Writing must become a tool, not a pilgrim's staff. We need rules, norms[8], which are not permanent, but changing. To no longer be slaves of nostalgic writing, but writers of the future.

Standing in a permanent referendum, that allow to change their minds. To adapt to the changing reality. To not have fixed rules, but, editable.

The explosion of technological development makes it impossible for any government to legislate quickly to restrict the uncontrolled development of new technologies, but, soon, 10 billion people can do it.


The Arab brothers are kicking ass together for thousands of years solely on the basis of their meager dogmatic religious differences.

Yet the cradle of modernity, the civilization was... Arab . The Arabs has been victims of their own development because of the writing .... Writing came sclerosis society the most modern of its time, in religious dogmas that have made Arab societies, now, among the most conservative of the planet.

No wonder there is a great schism in all ancient Arab religions every millennia. The gap between religion and new attitudes, so the new reality, are becoming larger, schism is always inevitable. Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Protestantism ... I think we're ready for another great schism!

Religious fundamentalism, in Arab countries, reached a peak that can only be its own contradictions and more and more Arabs are realizing.

If it happens what happened in the very Catholic Quebec, during the Quiet Revolution,... The Arab countries are likely to become, very atheists ...!

The Arabs have become conservative because of the writing.

We only have one thing to do together, réécrivons l’histoire, create history.

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Any reproduction permitted providing the source :

[1] The following information on the separation of body and mind, animist societies, the polytheism and monotheism are the source for courses in sociology of culture given by Michel Freitag (1935-2009) in years 1980 at UQAM (University of Quebec at Montreal).

[2] Half of the New Testament was written by Paul, a tone harsher than the part that tells of the life of Jesus, him, was much more liberal. Jesus was particularly against stoning, and Muhammad did not talk about it more in the Qur'an. But Paul, enact rigid and severe rules that reflect his times. As some communities include stoning to Sharia.

[3] Pierre Bourdieu said : "He says it well, So it's true ", speaking about people with good diction arriving at convincing people (I quote from memory).

[4] Pierre Clastres, "The Society Against the State" or Malinowski in "Argonauts of the Pacific". I recommend everyone to discover, read, works of anthropology in order to understand the thinking of the naive primitive society who precedes us and from who we are the heirs. Personally, I find anthropologies books more interesting than a novel . Exciting.

[5] Apart from farmers. Here! Are they not, in general, more conservative! As in "chance"!

[6] Ivan Illich has calculated, in years 70, that the average motorist lost 3 hours a day because of his car. Besides today's gasoline costs more, that traffic jams are longer and suburbs are more distant. And the driver does not realize the true cost of its transportation, on average 800 $/month, and does not calculate the time required for maintenance and, mainly, the time it takes to work to pay all costs. The car cost, on average, 10 times more expensive than public transit. And transit, not more 2 times slower, the car is actually 5 times slower. The average motorist could take a week of vacation per month, or 3 months of the year, while keeping the same purchasing power.

[7] New Testament.

[8] Michel Freitag recommends using the term "norms" to distinguish the norms that humans are given as opposed to the "divine laws", So of substance allegedly "divine". To demystify the laws and their permanent. Standards which can move the face of changing reality through a dialectic. See also his book "Dialectic and Society", 2 volumes.


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