This new theory suggests hypotheses, using only the universal law of the attraction of bodies, to explain the following hitherto unexplained phenomena:
To my cousin Raymond Roy, my uncle Guy Marineau and my father.
“Socrates (…) taught us (…) that the foundation of science is criticism.”
(Karl Popper)
I propose here hypotheses for a cosmological model that respects:
- The laws of universal physics. In particular the law of attraction of bodies; and the law that nothing is created and nothing is lost.
- This cosmological model explains observed phenomena, such as the origin of galaxies and the universe, expansion of the universe and its acceleration. So, that the nature of the black masses; wrongly called black holes and energy.
- Prediction: the discovery of a black hyper-mass at the center of our universe. Higher acceleration speed for bodies farther from the center of our universe.
- Explaining what current cosmological theories fail to explain.
Starting from the cosmological model that:
- Our universe is homogeneous, so that the universal laws are the same everywhere in our universe; and undoubtedly in other universes.
- Let the laws of physics be universal; and are the same no matter where you are.
- Our universe is isotopic and expanding. Which means it's similar in all directions (inside our universe).
Starting from the following parameters :
- The Hubble constant defining the rate of expansion of our universe.
- The density of our universe, which measures the ratio of the density of our universe, versus critical density related to Hubble's constant.
- The cosmological constant, which represents a force that appears to be in opposition to gravity. And that's actually, as we'll see, is a force of gravity, or if you prefer its more general law, that of the universal attraction of bodies.
In all likelihood, galaxies, and our universe, would come from coalescence, or collision, of supermassive black masses 1I prefer to use the term black mass; rather than a black hole. Although a black mass seems to be a hole where the light dies; it is in fact a mass that attracts all materials, and lights, that pass nearby. Avoiding far-fetched speculation, such as those that a black hole is a time space for time travel; or between two black holes. Aside from traveling to an insured death, there is no other permit time travel! and hypermassives one.
We will also see, that the expansion of the universe is infinite and that its geometry is relatively flat; and similar to that of a galaxy.
Before trying to find new hypotheses, and to issue new laws, that would clarify observations that do not seem to be able to be explained with current legislation. We need to double-check, to see if the current universal laws of physics, could not explain observations that may seem to us a priori incomprehensible.
So we'll see, that from the current laws, It is possible to give a perfectly plausible explanation, to demystify phenomena that are still misunderstood to this day.
And of course, without an abstract cosmological constant.
Unless you believe in anything2Like the myth of the goddess Hera, whose milk spray from her breast would have created the milky way!, and believe that the material can appear or explode by itself. There must be a logical explanation for the creation of galaxies; as the universe. Hence the need for an epistemology of the hypothesis on which modern cosmology is based.
If we start from the principle that nothing is created and nothing is lost. For a galaxy to form, It takes:
1- At least two huge masses.
2- A force of attraction and a collision3Or, as we'll see, coalescence huge.
Question: In which case can we find these elements into the universe?
Hypothesis: At a coalescence or collision between two supermassive black masses.
We all saw, in science fiction movies, collisions between planets like the simulation here:
Now, Let's try to imagine, the result of the collision, or even coalescence, of two supermassive black masses.
Argument: The black masses are from different sizes; of the order of a star to billions of stars. In this last case, black super masses, therefore, have such a power of attraction, if two of them are found at a distance, even remote, They can attract each other with phenomenal acceleration force; allowing for the most dramatic impact.
Argument : In the center of the galaxies, is a supermassive black mass. Evidence of the existence of two black masses before impact. Depending on the force of the impact this residual mass will be greater or less. Bigger are black masses, the greater will be the acceleration, stronger will be the strength of the impact; so the extended and the mass of matter clusters in the galaxy, and the further away the residues will be. The size of the black mass will be proportional to that of the Galaxy. More impact will be weak, the lower the proportion of the black mass; resulting from the fusion of the two small black masses. And in the case of impact between a small and a large supermassive black mass, the smaller will be absorbed and “splash” will be more or less absorbed quickly by attraction, depending on the big mass size and density; and according to its gravity force. In that case, there will be no galaxy creation. And if it's the case, It will be quickly reabsorbed by the great mass and the arms of galaxies will be short; as in the case of the Orion galaxy arm; which should have been created by a small black mass.
Fact: The size of the galaxies is proportional to the size of the supermassive black masses in their centers.
In past years, I had already searched for videos of slow-motion collisions, to support my thesis. I finally found three videos that should illustrate it. Even if a real video of two masses colliding would be more convincing than a simulation. I think these simulations, must be close enough to reality. Even if it means to redo these videos, in real life, to confirm my hypothesis. The video, 5 neutron stars collision that will follow, should be enough to validate my hypothesis.
Argument: The impact created a saucer.
Fact: See this video simulation.
Argument: The galaxies rotate on themselves. And it was observed that the black masses also turn on themselves. As in the period of mutual attraction before the collision. And as they can attract each other from far away, because of their immense strength of attractions, they can turn, around each other before the impact of coalescence.
From our earthly perspective, the impact between two tiny dots in the sky may seem trivial. I leave it to astrophysicists to have fun calculating acceleration, and the impact force (the dispersion of energy), that can generate the shock between two supermassive black masses, according to their sizes. Since the greater their masses, the greater will be the acceleration preceding the impact. Causing an impact of such a force, the two supermassive black masses will be disintegrated, more or less, partially or completely, under the impact, before reforming into a compact mass by combined attraction. See the following simulation video, the impact of two masses with rotation.
Fact: A recent observation our galaxy by “a team from the Kavli Institute for Astronomy and’astrophysics4Source : French : Futura-Science at Peking University and the Chinese Academy of Sciences advances in their article inNature5Source : English : Nature that the outer edges of the galactic disk are not planes but distorted so that, seen from the outside (by very far), all would display a veiled S form, or in other words, have shaped"Gradual twisted spiral" (in English, progressively twisted spiral pattern).”6Source : French : Futura-Sciences; English : Nature.
This would confirm my theory of a collision between supermassive black masses. The veiled form observed is exactly like the one found in the video 3 we have seen.
Argument : Upon impact, the rotational speed of the black masses will determine the speed of rotation of the projected clusters. Unlike Kepler, which determined the speed of the clusters according to the distance from the center of the galaxy. It’s the speed of rotation of the black masses before the impact, which determines the speed of rotation of nearby clusters, such as at a distance. Unlike the theory predicted by Kepler. While it's the speed of dark mass on impact; which determines this speed at all distances. “So, the speed of the stars at the edge of a galaxy is constant, and does not depend on the distance r”7Source: French : Wikipedia..
Fact: What confirms the speed of rotation of the galaxies that are observed. As we see in the video simulation 3. Allowing us to estimate the resulting rotation speed of the black masses during their impact.

Argument: Hubble believed that a galaxy was the result of "evolution" towards the crushing of a round mass.. Theory rejected since.
He was not entirely wrong if we introduce the theory of a collision between the black masses. Both masses crashing over one another create a new flattened shape but with a galactic form. Hubble lacked the explanation of what produced the second shape as a result of the round shape.
The round or elliptical shape is rather based on the angle of the collision between two supermassive black masses.
Argument: A smaller black mass will create a round galaxy. An off-center impact will be created by large black masses that will create an elliptical galaxy.. As illustrated by Hubble in the forms Sx and SBx:

Argument: Given their great strengths of attraction, The majority of collisions between black masses must not take place in the center. Such that observed, 77 % of galaxies has a spiral shape (or circle)8Source: French : Wikipedia. It is highly unlikely that the impact will occur exactly in the centre of two black masses. Our angle of view, seen from the earth or even from a satellite never allows us to see a galaxy at an exactly perpendicular angle in order to see its exact shape. It's a safe bet that all galaxies have an elliptical shape, but with an ellipse that varies from the very pronounced ellipse to the pure circle, but with an average closer to the pure circle than the ellipse. Note that perfect round and elliptical shapes do not exist in nature. Neither does the circle, The square, The ellipse, the hexagon, the rectangle, the triangle, etc., They are ideal forms that do not exist in nature and are a purely imaginary creation of the human.. In fact, the galaxies are all more or less elliptical at different degrees; from the ellipse to a form tending to round shape.
Contrary to what Hubble thought, it's not an evolutionary form between spiral and elliptical that would explain the difference. It is rather the angle of impact, if not, the passing near another galaxy; or eventually of a black mass supermassive (which is the same). Ultimately the vector of direction and density (so the mass) who will determine the angle, duration of coalescence, Impact force and trajectory.
Argument: More the black masses colliding together are larger, more the acceleration during the mutual attraction will be bigger. Therefore, the strength of impact will be greater. This will create an ellipse if the masses hit each other before they have time to center on before impact. The result should give larger elliptical galaxies than rounder.
Fact: As in fact, the larger galaxies are elliptical. While smaller galaxies are round. Since the two smaller masses have time to move toward one another before the impact. Since the attractive force, so acceleration, is lower.
So, galaxies of intermediate size should have an elliptical shape less pronounced than larger galaxies.
Argument: as small galaxies (read black masses) attract each other completely before colliding, The impact will take longer to take place. This will create more new stars (so more light) than large black masses which will strike more quickly during an eccentric non-frontal coalescence which will create fewer stars. More, Large black masses make an elliptical coalescence. Which means that the two masses are moving further apart., twice per rotation, which reduces the creation of stars.
But the original approach speed of the two black masses will also play in favor of the creation of more stars.. Approaching faster, The rotation will be faster between the two black masses; And this kinetic energy will allow a longer and more star-creating coalescence..
Fact: 1- Small black masses create more stars and large black masses create fewer stars.9Source: French : Futura Sciences; English : Nature.
2- Galaxies with higher luminosity also have higher rotational speed (as noted by the Tully-Fisher relation).10Source: French : Youtube
Argument: as small galaxies (read black masses) attract for a longer period of time before coalescing, The impact will take longer to take place. This will create more new stars that large black masses that will hit more quickly during a not frontal eccentric coalescence which will create fewer stars.
Fact: Small black masses create more stars and large black masses create fewer stars.11Source: French : Futura Sciences; English : Nature.
This phenomenon, also observable between two air bubbles or two drops of liquid, also applies to any material; the planets, the stars, black masses, naked quasar, etc.
If two black masses, do not run directly on one another; they can attract each other, and create a low impact coalescence; as opposed to a direct impact with a strong collision.
If throughout the universe, There were only two grains of sand; it would eventually coalesc one day; attracted to each other thanks to the universal law of attraction of bodies.
Of course, The time required for a coalescence between two bodies is a function of the distance between them.
We will see in more detail, further, Explanations, for the different hypotheses explaining the sprawling shape of galaxies, Following.
Hypothesis 1 :
When approaching one or two supermassive black masses and/or one or two galaxies (which is the same), they will absorb all the clusters on their paths creating, not arms, but between arms, empty of matter. This explains the existence of partially missing arm; where would be crossed a supermassive black mass.

Hypothesis 2 :
At the approach of two black masses, they bombard each other with electrons; creating a dragged spiral-shaped material in the galaxy. With low density far off, and higher density as they approach the point of impact. The angle of the early branches, being an index of the angle of approach of the black masses.
Hypothesis 3 :
When approaching, The black masses enter into friction before complete coalescence takes place. It is this friction that could emit a large mass of energy and particle of matter ejected parallel to the point of contact of the two black masses.. This explains why the arms make an identical galactic revolution regardless of the distance from the center of the galaxy.. The revolution of the arms being identical to those of the black masses coalescing.
Hypothesis 4 :
Matter attracting matter, scattered clumps of material attracting each other, over the billions of years following the impact, We will see shapes validating this attraction.
Fact: The arms are emerging over time.
And matter attracting the matter, the stars gather on the same side of the galaxy.
Fact: See the Cepheids in this video 8 who find themselves on the same side of our galaxy.
The arms from the different coalescences will change angles to group on a plane thanks to the attraction of the bodies. As the satellites of the planets tend to position themselves on a plane.
As there are more stars at the center of the galaxy, They will align on a plane faster than where the density of stars (and other bodies) is lower. The plane will be less flat at great distances, as is the case in our solar system.

Source: Wikipedia
Hypothesis 5 :
A combination of the above assumptions is the most plausible. And obviously, the assumption 4 is inevitable in the case of the passage of a supermassive black mass into a galaxy.
Argument: If there are several impacts, between different galaxies, or black masses (which is the same); there will be different arms by age and size of stars. Depending on the age of the impact and the size of the black masses that came into collision.
Fact: For example, in our own galaxy, the branches are different . The arms of Perseus and the Scutum–Centaurus Arm include about 30 % more red giants. The other arms include a surplus of gas, but no old stars. These first two spiral arms were therefore built before; which explains the presence of old stars. The four arms that were created later, contain gas and young stars.
Arguments: If there are collisions between supermassive black masses during billions of years, the youngest stars will be found in the center of the galaxy and the oldest in the periphery.
Fact: It is observed that the older stars are more distant and youngest closer to the black mass. Which would validate our theory that branches are created during successive impacts with supermassive black masses. And that the expulsion of the stars makes the oldest ones farther away from the black mass.
See the age organization of Cepheid star arms in the video 8 below.
Source: Youtube
Argument: Bigger are black masses, the faster the impact. Conversely, the smaller the black masses are, the longer the coalescence will be. The period of attraction and friction of atoms between them and nuclei by the electrons of nuclei will therefore be longer.. The electrons of the black masses will have more time to attack the black masses and will create more hydrogen leading to the creation of larger stars sizes.
Fact: As in fact, there is a difference in the size of the stars inversely proportional to the original size of the black masses.
Argument: Stronger is the impact, between large black masses, the smaller the size of the clusters will be; the majority of the clusters being ejected from the galaxy during the impact. At reverse, the lower is the impact, between small black masses, more the clusters are bigger; clusters failing to be ejected from the galaxy.
In both cases, clusters near the new nucleus will be attracted and merged with the black masses; so, fewer in the arms of the oldest galaxies.
To be confirmed : Observation to be confirmed by observing the amount of material orbiting the black masses.
In the event of a frontal collision between two black masses, without coalescence, the impact will be such, a large amount of material will be ejected. The ejection of up to almost disappear, or completely the central black mass, in the case of a high-speed crash.
This explains why galaxies do not, or have much less black mass than others.12Source: French: Sputnik France; English : Nature Astronomy.
Of course, the gravitational wave in a frontal collision will be much larger than in a coalescence. But will rarely seen as more 99,999 % of the time there is coalescence.
The total mass of matter being always present; and matter attracting matter; the galaxy can survive thanks to the mutual attraction of matter which will slowly reform a new center of dark matter. But as the matter is more diffuse, The attraction will be less strong and therefore longer before seeing some of the matter attracted to the center of the galaxy; as opposed to a galaxy with a dense black mass in the center. But because of the lack of massive black mass at the center of this type of galaxy, The majority of matter will quietly move away from its center with greater acceleration (as we will explain later). But if the typing speed was very high, There is little chance that a centre will reform.
Argument: The black masses in the center of young galaxies are less numerous than the black masses without galaxy. But the young galaxies are more numerous than the old galaxies. Their impacts will result in fewer irregular galaxies. The assumption being that there are more black masses without galaxy, detected and called “naked quasar” (the stars having been, either been absorbed, otherwise ejected; unless they never collided), there will be more regular galaxies (elliptical or spiral; youth) as irregular (old).
Fact : What we observe in practice. The shock between two black masses surrounded by their galaxy, will give an irregular shape. While, the shock between two black masses without galaxy, of “naked quasar”, will give a regular galaxy. Contrary to what some studies believe that they are failing a galaxy and a “naked quasar” to create new stars13See the study with an erroneous assumption published in “Astronomy and Astrophysics“.. Any combination of fairly dense masses is required: of galaxies, or of “naked quasar”, to create new stars. In fact, these are the two black masses, of the galaxies or naked quasar, that produce the material required to create stars as a result of their coalescing.
Argument: The amount of matter orbiting black holes will be proportional to their size, in terms of:
1- the size of the black masses coming into contact.
2- the types of accretions: coalescence or direct impact
3- the approach speed and collision of the black masses.
4- the rotational speed of the black masses.
Fact: The Romulus simulation shows us that there is indeed proportionality14Source: French : Futura Science. English : Wandering Supermassive Black Holes in Milky Way Mass Halos
Tracing Black Hole and Galaxy Co-evolution in the Romulus Simulations
The Romulus Cosmological Simulations: A Physical Approach to the Formation, Dynamics and Accretion Models of SMBHs. This will vary the amount of material, these are the forces in presence.
Thus two large black masses of similar sizes will therefore emit, a larger gravitational wave than a large mass and a small black mass.
Fact: Collision GW150914 had a greater gravitational wave than other collisions15Source: French: Futura Science; English: Cornell University..
In theory, so there is more material ejected from the black masses if the collision is stronger.
A quasar is a black mass that has not collided with another black mass (or not for a very long time) and who does not have a galaxy.
Argument: The black mass within the quasar OJ 287 made light eruptions every 12 years, when a black mass pass between us and the quasar. Probably the typical pattern of two coalescing masses, for the creation of a larger black mass or a galaxy as seen at the beginning of this text.
Fact to be noted : It would be necessary to see if the quasar moves under the influence of a black mass.
Argument: A galaxy will rotate in one direction depending on the direction of rotation of the black masses colliding. If more than one impact is made between a black mass and other black masses rotating in opposite directions, arms, or just debris, could rotate in opposite directions.
Fact: 40% of the matter of the milky way turns in reverse of the majority of the matter of our galaxy. So there was more than one collision; And this, in opposite directions in a proportion 2:3 of the total mass of materials; and/or the impact force; and/or the time elapsed since each impact. Since all these factors determine the residual proportions at the time of observation.
This reverse rotation phenomenon was also observed around the galaxy M77 (NGC 1068). 16Source: French: Ça se passe la haut. English: The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 884, Number 2 (14 october 2019)
Argument: The more massive the black masses, the greater the attraction and therefore the speed of rotation during coalescence will be greater.
Fact: Tully-Fischer demonstrated the connection.
But if they had continued their graph they would have seen a theoretical inconsistency.. Since if we continue their line (in red in the graph below) we see that the speed would be negative under the mass of 4.
Argument: In reality, the attraction force increases with increasing density of body mutual attraction. The larger the black mass, the greater the density of its nucleus.17We must not confuse, the density of the nucleus and density of a black mass. The core is always dense; while his horizon will be even greater, therefore less dense, that the electron cloud will be great. Density data: French : Youtube, so, of its force of attraction, is tall; So coalescence, and its resultant, will be great. The more massive the black masses, the faster they rotate around each other before coalescing. This explains why there is a greater speed of rotation of the final galaxy if the black masses are larger. Hence the presence of a curvature in the graph. With almost zero rotation; but not zero, for an atomic mass. Coalescence even applies to atoms.
Fact: Patrick Ogle (Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore) and colleagues observed that the selection of 10 more massive gives a slope of only 0,25.18Source: French: Ça se passe la haut. English: The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 884, Number 1 (10 october 2019)
Neutron stars are masses of intermediate density between the suns and the supermassive black masses. The coalescence of neutron stars lead, ultimately, to the creation of supermassive black masses19Source: NASA video Youtube. once cooled. A video of the collision of two neutron stars was made in 2017. It allows us to see the similarity that there could be with the creation of a galaxy following the collision of two supermassive black masses..
Source: Youtube
You can see there at 1:25, that the shock wave looks strangely like the arms forming a galaxy. Explanations of Georgia Tech available here: Youtube
This video, therefore confirms, my theory of galaxy formation from the collision of supermassive black masses.
Once turned off, a galaxy would have a greater black mass in proportion to its clusters; compared to a young galaxy alight.
Theory: Once the material has been either, partly expelled from the orbit of the galaxy; or partly reabsorbed by the black mass; the portion of the black mass will be greater than that of a young galaxy, where the black mass is still surrounded by all its stars and all its heaps of matter, following the recent collision of two black masses.
Fact: “the dark matter rate would be up to ten times that of light-matter, but at the cluster level, it would be much more important : up to thirty times the "visible" mass of these clusters.”20Source: French : Wikipedia.
Institute for Research on the Fundamental Laws of the Universe
One theory is that the largest atoms were created by supernova explosions.. Explosions providing the energy needed for the creation of larger atoms.
This mass of energy is also found, and superiorly, in the collision of supermassive black masses. It is therefore very likely that these collisions of black masses also contributed to the creation of large atoms.. In the same way, that we observed the creation of strontium during the collision of neutron stars21Source: French AFP : Orange, Nouvel Observateur..
It will also be necessary to observe, to see, if the explosion of supernovas is not in fact due to a collision between materials.
Observation to be made : It would be interesting to study the average size of the molecules resulting from the collision of supermassive black masses, versus supernovas, in order to confirm this theory.
Argument: If a black mass is an atom. This means that on the periphery of the black mass would orbit a phenomenal amount of electrons. These electrons would collide with all matter, including black masses, attracted to her. Creating a shock wave and creating hydrogen atoms, of heliums, etc. Before coalescence. And large atoms during contact between black masses during coalescence.
Fact: This would explain the large presence of hydrogens in the center of galaxies and the great creation of stars during the coalescence of two black masses.
Argument: Normally, a hydrogen nucleus occupies 1/100 000 from the space of an atom. If a black mass is an atom, its density would be minimally 100 000 times greater than that of the matter at room temperature. The internal pressure of an atom as immense as that of a black mass can increase the density of the nucleus, therefore its mass, above that of an atom; will be, over 100 000 times denser nearly 0 Kelvin degree.
Fact: The mass, of a black mass, goes from hundreds of thousands of times to several billion times that of the sun. The density of the black mass at the center of our galaxy is 300 000 times larger than that of the sun.22Source: French : Wikipedia ; English : Wikipedia. The information no longer appears. It may have been revised. I will have to find the new data eventually.
Argument: To stabilize the material, like a black mass atom, it takes a neutron intake. Neutrons stabilizing atoms23Source: French : Wikipedia;
English : Wikipedia. and increase their half-life.24Source:
French : Wikipedia; English : Wikipedia.
Fact: The black masses absorb stars. And the stars contain extra neutrons; final phase being precisely that of neutron stars, or downright black mass.
Argument: More isotope is high in neutron, the longer the half-life.
Fact: This is what is observed in Chemistry25Source: French : Wikipedia;
English : Wikipedia.
Argument: the lower the temperature, the more stable an atom; thus allowing the constitution of an atom of infinite size.
Fact: The temperature of a black mass would be a fraction of a Kelvin degree26Source: French : Wikipedia;
English : Wikipedia. on the surface. If you take into account that the Hawking radiation, to evaporate a black mass, would come from an electron bombardment from surrounding matter, according to my theory; it would follow that the temperature of the black mass, itself, would be near to zero degrees Kelvin. The black mass being completely hyper-frozen; therefore perfectly stable in its heart.
We can therefore conclude that a black mass consists of a single Marineauium atom having a mass of 1 or 2 X 10-8 kg, according to Hawking27The data differ depending on whether one refers to the English or French version of the information.
Source: French : Wikipedia;
English : Wikipedia.
Hawking, Stephen W. (1971). “Gravitationally collapsed objects of very low mass”. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 152: 75. Bibcode:1971MNRAS.152…75H. Doi:10.1093/MNRAS/152.1.75, and more; up to an infinite mass of protons and electrons with even more neutrons. Though, there would be no theoretical minimum mass, at zero degrees Kelvin, for a Marineauium atom. The physico-chemical properties of all atoms are probably the same at a temperature reaching zero absolute degrees.
A black mass being the stable form of matter. And the atomic forms that we know on Earth being its unstable forms, read energetically unstable, of the matter. What we illustrate in the periodic table are the collisional forms of matter, at earth temperatures.
At zero degrees Kelvin, even hydrogen could theoretically take on the properties of Marineauium. A black mass could therefore, in theory, exist from a proton and it is only during collisions, temperature rise, it would take the properties of a hydrogen atom.
The Marineauium therefore constitutes, The primordial foundation of matter. The primordial atom at the origin of the universes; as we will see in the part 2. It's just its energetic form, heated, which would prevent it from forming atoms of more than a few dozen protons at temperature and pressure on Earth. collisions, reducing the maximum size of an atom, temperature reduces the half-life of atoms; so their size. The size of atoms can therefore be infinitely increased by reducing their temperature. And, Conversely, the existence of atoms can be made impossible by increasing the temperature of matter. At very high temperature the atoms destroying themselves in elementary particles; as in Marineauium black mass collisions. This results in elementary particles which reassemble into atoms of the periodic table after cooling of the universe; then in Marineauium after a great cooling.
The meeting of two black masses without collision, exerts a force of attraction such, that the velocity of the two masses will be slowed down in inverse proportion to their masses.
Watch the Ball Cluster simulation video here:
Source: Forbes
Argument: A young galaxy is the result of a more recent collision. An old galaxy, is a long-standing collisionless galaxy; all the stars of which will be extinguished, black galaxy; whose matter expelled out of the galaxy will hide the galaxy. Hence the galaxies whose varying black mass; like Dragonfly 44, constituted at 98 % dark matter.
Fact: There are dark galaxies28Sources: French : Le Devoir (Origin: magazine Nature) and Futura Sciences; English : Nature. which date from only 2 billion years after the Big Bang. Probably galaxies extinct because without collision between the central black mass and other masses for a very long time. And they contain a lot of dust blocking the light emitted by the few residual stars. Most stars are extinguished.
The age of galaxies is estimated based on the age of the stars around them. In reality, a galaxy consisting of a black mass, can be much older if all its stars are extinguished. We should observe all extinct stars and determine the age of a galaxy based on the distance of extinct stars from the black mass at its center..
So, It wouldn't be surprising to find galaxies older than the age of the Universe., As we will explain in the part 2.
Argument: After the fusion of two supermassive black masses, the galaxy will be brighter and the force of attraction greater. The material at the periphery of the new black mass will be attracted more quickly towards the center. And the matter that was ejected most slowly from the galaxy may be attracted to the center during and after the merger.. What will affect, although minimal, on the increase in the force of attraction of the black mass. Only the material with high velocity will continue to move away but with a reduced speed, due to the greater attraction of the center.
Fact: This is what we observe from the black mass Sagittarius A at the center of the Milky Way.29Source: French : Daily Geek Show. English : Phys
More information : Tuan Do et al. Unprecedented Near-infrared Brightness and Variability of Sgr A*,The Astrophysical Journal (2019). Doi: 10.3847/2041-8213/ab38c3
Zhuo Chen et al. Consistency of the Infrared Variability of SGR A* over 22 Yr, The Astrophysical Journal (2019). Doi: 10.3847/2041-8213/ab3c68
which absorbs stars and black masses.
Argument : Following a recent collision, a young galaxy will have more gas suitable for star formation.
Fact: What we observe when looking at the Cosmic Serpent galaxy or the Carina nebula30Source: French : Futura-Science.. You can find there up to 100 times more stars than in the Milky Way.
Argument: When two black masses get closer, they bombard each other with electrons. They are therefore snatching up in this way., each other, protons. These protons will form hydrogen atoms. It will form an increasingly greater gas density, as the two black masses get closer to each other, so as to produce a density of hydrogen atoms proportional to that of the mass of the nuclei of the black masses; up to 100 000 times higher than normal density. This would explain the formation of stars from a gas with a density higher than that of solid hydrogen.. As the temperature cools, Hydrogen assembles into solid bodies simply thanks to the density of the original material.
As we will see in the part 2, The same principle applies to the creation of stars in our universe 200 millions of years after the “Grande Collision” two hyper-masses.
Hydrogen being created by ripping protons from the two black masses in coalescence, Hydrogen clouds will move perpendicular to black masses. And between the two black masses, there will be two trails of hydrogen clouds, opposites to each other. The arms of galaxies will therefore always form in pairs and density proportional to the size of the two masses.; but especially the time spent close to each other. Since as we have seen above, smaller black masses with lower attractiveness, they will take longer before coalescence. This will allow them to create more hydrogen, so more stars, that large black masses will attract faster and create fewer stars.
Therefore, for example, Gault Belt, or if you prefer the Radcliff wave, will have its inverted counterpart on the opposite side of the black mass at the center of the Milky Way.
Fact 1: the arms of galaxies develop in symmetrical pairs.
The observation of symmetric branches is more difficult in galaxies that can result from several coalescences of black masses, but it's easier in a galaxy with a single recent coalescence. See image below for barred spiral galaxy NGC 130031Source : French : Wikipedia; English : Wikipedia..

Fact 2 : The branches of the Milky Way are also symmetrical. See the following picture:

It shows that the arms of “Perseus-Near 3kpc” and “Centaur-Far 3kpc” (in red) are perfectly symmetrical; the same goes for the arm of Sagittarius and the Rule-Outside (in blue). And the symmetrical arms are also the same age.
The same goes for the old M1 and M2 arms (in white) which are also symmetrical.
It must be assumed that there are symmetrical arms also for the old branches, or branches from smaller black masses that have created small branches like M1-M2 and Orion. (where the sun is) and its symmetrical branch that cannot be seen from our position, hidden by the center of our galaxy and which I will call Marineau (in black). The center of the Milky Way makes it difficult to observe on the other side of our galaxy; but we see part of the symmetrical branch. Photos from the James Webb satellite may provide a better view of this arm..
A galaxy has 10 billion to a thousand billion stars.
And hundreds of billions of galaxies are observable.
But it's hard to see the live creation of a galaxy; since creation can be done over a period of several billion years.
Only an overlap of all the observable stages, from several cases, would allow us to validate my theory.
Scenario 0: The two black masses are too far apart. There are therefore no or few interactions on their respective trajectories.
Scenario 1: Depending on their distances and their respective speeds, there is deviation and acceleration, or slower trajectories of black masses.
Scenario 2: There is coalescence, If the two black masses pass close enough to each other then there is a fusion.
- scenario 2A: Round galaxy if the two black masses are small; What is common, due to the calculation of the greater probabilities of seeing small black masses.
- 2B scenario: Elliptical galaxy if two supermassive black masses coalesc, what happens less frequently than in the case of small black masses.
Scenario 3: Direct impact, if the two black masses go directly to each other, and creation of a larger or smaller galaxy depending on the density, of the dimension, and the speed of the black masses before impact.
- scenario 3A: Round galaxy if the impact is in the center of the two black masses; which is rare for large black masses, due to the calculation of probabilities.
- scenario 3B: Elliptical galaxy if the impact is eccentric between two black masses, what happens most of the time for the supermassive black masses.
- 3C scenario: Galaxy without black mass if the percussion speed is large enough to completely disintegrate the nucleus as in the case of galaxies NGC 1052-DF2 and NGC 1052-DF4.
The myth, creationist, the creation of the universe in a “Big Bang” from an infinitely small singularity, is based much more on beliefs inherited from mythical societies than on the observation of reality or hypotheses based on observed facts, and based on the universal laws of physics recognized. It is surely no coincidence that the concept of “Big Bang” come from a canon, Georges Lemaître. Although the pejorative term of “Big Bang” Vienna by Fred Hoyle, The concept, him, comes from Canon Georges Lemaître. And as Fred Hoyle himself was opposed to the idea of a beginning, He himself had a creationist conception of the universe.. While the metaphor of the explosion is found misleading by scientists. Even Hoyle admits to using the term “Big Bang” as an image; more than a plausible explanation. Although “Not all textbook authors found the term attractive or appropriate. And although Weinberg used it as early as 1962, in its advanced textGravitation and Cosmology of 1972, it appears only once. He preferred to speak of a "standard model"”32Source : https://academic.oup.com/astrogeo/article/54/2/2.28/302975?login=false. But the “Standard Model” is also based on the idea of an event left without explanation as to its cause. “Yakov Zel'dovich and the EncyclopediaRelativistic Astrophysics by Yakov Zel'dovich and Igor Novikov., have completely avoided the term. The two Russian authors based their talk on what they called Friedmann's theory of a singular beginning of the universe., referring throughout to the "hot universe theory".” 33Source : https://academic.oup.com/astrogeo/article/54/2/2.28/302975?login=false But this idea of singularity also poses a problem and returns to a creationist idea of the universe from a point in the universe.. Georges Lemaître also used the terms "primitive atom", of "great compression" or "cosmic egg" which also allude to a creationist conception of the original creation of the universe. ! Since this conception contradicts the universal laws of physics by reducing the origin of the universe to an infinitesimal singularity in relation to the size of the total mass of the universe; including “black masses” and “Dark energy” (which should be the same, as we will see later).
The Nobel laureate in physics John Peebles is therefore right to recommend not using the term “Big Bang”.
In fact the “Big Bang” is the consequence of “La Grande Collision”; term that should be used in French to distinguish it from the English term of “Big Bang”.
It would therefore be more accurate to speak of the preceding event and who is responsible for the “Big Bang”. Rather than focusing on the consequence, on the “Big Bang”, which follows “La Grande Collision”.
Go from “Big Bang” as a source of creation of our universe amounts to believing in the creation of spontaneous generation, a few centuries ago, in biological sciences.
To any consequence there is a cause that must respect the universal laws of physics. The most likely cause of the Big Bang must be a hypercollision between two black hyper-masses. Since nothing is created and nothing is lost, logically, matter had to pre-exist the creation of matter.
The Big Bang is the childhood of the universe, as described by John Peebles. While “La Grande Collision” is the birth of the universe, are childbirth ! The Big Bang is the resulting effect; while “La Grande Collision” is the cause.
The tree falls before making noise !
John Peebles recommends no longer using the term “Big Bang” but don't know what term to replace it! 34“Sky and Telescope organized a competition in 1993 to find a more appropriate name, The judges received no less than 13 099 Answers. None of them were found worthy of supplanting the "inappropriately belligerent" name of Hoyle. ( Beatty and Fienberg 1994 )” Source : https://academic.oup.com/astrogeo/article/54/2/2.28/302975?login=false. Perhaps we should be glad that we didn't start using another term without first having an explanation to name.. I therefore suggest that he use the term “La Grande Collision”!
And here we will try to give an explanation based on observations to demonstrate it..
It happens, most likely, Coalescences and collisions of black masses every day in the universe. As it always has happened and it will always happen. And this, since, and for eternity.
The concepts of infinite space, as infinite time, are difficult to imagine for a finite being!
If there was a big bang, or rather a “Grande Collision” between two black hyper-masses during the creation of our universe, there have been, there are some, and there are still some, most likely, elsewhere outside our universe; and there will be more, too..
Hypothesis : The universes are the result of the collision of black hyper-masses. Whose black bodies (black or dark energy) would be the black hyper-masses of the universes. The signal received, in large scale, is homogeneous and perfect in the sky35This information is valid provided that the measured particles are not deflected by the stars in their path... On a small scale, signal has deviations. So there are endless universes in the sky.
Fact: A black body was observed in the center of the cosmic microwave background.
“If the Universe continues to expand, the cosmic microwave background will continue to shift red until it is no longer detectable.”36Source : French : Wikipedia; English : Wikipedia. So it is even more so, for the detection of universes that are older than ours.
The presence, in the same environment, cold dark matter (from old universes) and hot dark matter (from a young world, like ours), would confirm that matter could come from other universes than that coming from “La Grande Collision” of our universe.
Argument: Belief in an original Big Bang stems from the same type of myth that the earth was the center of the universe. Coming from an ethnocentric vision that sees, still today the Big Bang as a unique creative event, and in which we would be the center37There are many other similar astrophysical myths to be debunked; like time travel, parallel universes, problem of flatness or curvature of the universe, deformation of space and time by a mass, etc. As we will see in Part Three. While there has been, that there is and that there will be more, an infinity of “Grande Collision”, so of universe. Probably resulting from the impact of two black hyper-masses which will have partially or completely pulverized, into a hyper-force of energy, in infinite atom dust, atoms, of clusters and perhaps of format up to the primordial black masses and which have been projected in the distance, So the expanding universe. This atom dust will recombine to reform the atoms (if not, beforehand, components of the electrons, neutrons and protons); to the supermassive black masses, by attraction, as well as galaxies and stars.
Fact: “Roger Penrose thinks he has found evidence for his model of "conformal cyclic cosmology".”. "Hawking points" would be visible in the fossil radiation, testifying to the evaporation of supermassive black holes that occurred before “La Grande Collision”, in a world that would have preceded ours.38Source: French : Futura Science.
English :
Before the big bang: An outrageous new perspective and its implications for particle physics.
Apparent evidence for Hawking points in the CMB Sky
Aeons Before the Big Bang?
Concentric circles in WMAP data may provide evidence of violent pre-Big-Bang activity
The universe is probably populated by countless galaxies which would perhaps enlighten us all 24 hours on 24; if it were not dark matter that absorb all their light rays; and clusters that mask the rays of light during their long journey to us. If the sky is dark at night, is that there is 700 times more dark masses, in galactic masses, that of stars. And this, not counting the black masses without stars. And all the matter “Dead” Between universes. Materials projected during coalescence and collision as well as extinct stars on the periphery of galaxies whose amount of mass has not yet been estimated.
A grain of dust is enough, in the sky, to hide billions of stars, galaxies or universes behind him! Imagine what a rock can hide?
Argument: Galaxies have been observed to be formed 200 million years after our galaxy. So there is not ONE “Grande Collision” original creation of the universe at the level of galaxies. The galaxies and the big bang are independent to some extent. And … especially not created by a god in a day, or even in a week! For proof, the nearest galaxy to our own, Andromeda, is 1 billion years older than the milky way. While other galaxies, visible from the earth, are younger or even older.
At most our “universe”, or rather the portion that we see of the earth, may have been preceded by a hypercollision between two black hyper-masses39Also called: French : supermassive black hole; English : Wikipedia.. Which will then be the material that will form the current galaxies. But nothing suggests, that nothing existed before elsewhere in the universe. On the contrary, according to all logic. For a Big Bang to arrive, It was necessary that the matter for the created pre-exists. Therefore… black hyper-masses had to exist, before the “creation” of our universe!
And nothing prevents, on the contrary, only stars, See even galaxies may have been gravitating around black hyper-masses before the “Grande Collision”
“La Grande Collision” recreated the original universe, formed of dust from atoms, which will quietly alternately attract atom, masses, stars, black mass, galaxies, black hypermass that will absorb all matter from light-years away. Then will return to dust, galaxies or black masses; in an infinite cycle of collisions between black masses of different sizes and matter; what Hawking called evaporation of black masses.
The black masses therefore always end by themselves into hyper-black masses, which will eventually collide with each other when a force such as hyper-acceleration, that the central black hyper-masses will be in part, very, otherwise almost entirely or entirely, sprayed in an infinite cycle. Recreating dust atoms that will come together in visible masses. Up to black masses that will constitute galaxies and stars as well as clusters of matter. And since there is no limit to the size of black masses, They clump together until they form black hyper-masses.
It remains to be verified, if during a hypercollision – where two black hyper-masses would be partially or almost completely disintegrated – causing a decrease in attraction as the clusters move away from the other; if the speed would be accelerated in a vacuum instead of being constant. Which would explain the acceleration of the expansion of the universe. If the centripetal force of a cluster, is greater than the gravitational pull of the black mass. From which they escape on impact. It is normal that in moving away from the dark mass, speed accelerates; since the force of attraction decreases proportionally to the square of the distance. The resulting velocity of a body corresponding to its velocity minus all the forces of attraction exerted on it; of the surrounding matter and especially of the black mass from which the collision originated, squared. Gives the observed effective resulting speed; so, which should accelerate.
The resulting speed of a mass moving away from a black mass is:
Velocity = release force – (distance2 x force of attraction)
The liberation force being constant, and the attraction decreases with distance; Speed, go then, accelerate as a mass moves away from a black mass.
Without forgetting, that a mass that pulls away from the attraction of a black hyper-mass, can come close to the pull of another mass, but also and above all to move away from other surrounding bodies.
In this case the formula becomes:
Velocity = release force – (distance2 x force of attraction of the original black hypermass) + (distance2 x force of attraction of other masses) – (distance2 x force of attraction of other masses).
If the new attraction force of the black mass (which recovers after impact) becomes superior, the release force will be reduced. And the matter closer to the black mass, under the equilibrium point, will be attracted by the black mass.
In the case of our universe, if the black mass, as we will see later, was completely disintegrated, there would be no more attraction. There would therefore be a constant expansion of the universe. As long as you don't get close to other masses who could accelerate its expansion.
Fact: Milgrom says, talking about the speed of the clusters of a galaxy, on the edge of a galactic disk: “This is roughly the acceleration it would take to go from rest to the speed of light during the life of the universe. It is also the order of magnitude of the recently discovered acceleration of the universe’s expansion.” Which would confirm that the big bang would be, originally, from coalescence, or collision, between two black hyper-masses. The acceleration of the speed of expansion of the universe corresponding to that of a galaxy resulting from the collision of two supermassive black masses in the same order of magnitude.
The attraction, by the black masses, at the center of galaxies and the universe, expelled masses prevent the expulsion from taking place in light emission. If there was no attraction of the black masses, the speed of energy discharge during the collision of the two masses would be equivalent to that of light. But, the speed of ejection accelerates as one moves away from the black masses of galaxies and the universe. And once far enough away from these black masses, Matter will reach the speed of light when the pull of supermassive black masses at the center of the galaxy and the universe is almost zero..
Argument : If the explanation applies to the stars, it should apply to objects as well.
Fact: Satellites moving away from the solar system accelerate their speed. As satellites move away from the sun, their attraction to the sun decreasing, so their speed is accelerating. This is an observed fact and is considered unexplained., named Anomaly Pioneer40Source : French : Wikipedia. English : Wikipedia. to which I propose the Marineau solution !
Argument : If there is exponential acceleration, this means that the speed of acceleration changes. The speed of acceleration will therefore be lower than 67,4 kilometres per second per megaparsec near the black hyper-mass and faster further away from it.
Fact : Observations disagree with the measurement of the acceleration of the expansion of the 67,4 kilometres per second per megaparsec.
“Indeed, (…) H0LiCOW team has released a new measure of the constant. In the light of six distant quasars and their images through gravitational lenses, the team determined that H0 was equal to 73,3 kilometres per second per megaparsec, significantly higher than Planck's. But, more important, this new measure was close to that obtained by Adam Riess' team, nicknamed SH0ES, based on the study of cepheids, pulse-light stars in the Magellan Great Cloud, a dwarf galaxy near the Milky Way. The most recent measure, Dated March 2019, fixed H0 to 74,0, a value within the H0LiCOW team's margin of error. "My heart started to pulsate", remembers Adam Riess, learning the results of the H0LiCOW team, two weeks before the Santa Barbara convention.”
Source : https://www.pourlascience.fr/sr/article/expansion-de-lunivers-un-probleme-de-vitesse-18621.php
I leave it to the technicians of cosmology to verify this theory. By calculating the average acceleration speed on the center side of our universe. And on the farthest side. Not forgetting to correct the velocities of the stars observed rotating in galaxies.
But as the differences in speeds may be very small in the visible portion of our universe, It is possible that measurements below the margin of error are not yet possible at this time. Observations will have to be made over long periods of time to be able to test this hypothesis.
Conclusion: Galaxies, like the universe, would come from coalescence, or collision, respective supermassive and hyper-mass black masses.
Which invalidates the theories of modified gravity and of Verlinde.
Observation to be made : With the new images made by the latest satellites, It may be possible to compare the distance between galaxies in different parts of the Universe over long periods of time.. To see if the distance between galaxies increases faster in some areas than others. If the expansion distance is slower in an area of our universe, This may confirm the presence of a black hyper-mass.
Hypothesis 1:
Under internal pressure, of a black hyper-mass, must build up huge atoms. If not, a black hyper-mass constitutes a single immense atom. An infinity of times more unstable, and powerful, that radioactive atoms like plutonium or uranium. A collision between two black hyper-mass should therefore trigger a nuclear hyper-reaction pulverizing all atoms or part of a hyper-mono-atom. Instead of creating a galaxy, as is the case with supermassive black masses, it would create a universe. What is called cosmic inflation. Explaining the record temperature reached by the universe during a “Grande Collision”. And the disappearance of the surrounding galaxies that moved around the two black hyper-masses. Also sprayed over a huge distance. We thus find ourselves in an original universe made up of atomic dust which seems to us to be expanding.
In this case all the material, as a whole, seems to us to be moving away from the epicenter of “La Grande Collision”. In that case, our universe would have the shape of an expanding sphere.

Hypothesis 2:
Of course, we're in the period and the part of “La Grande Collision” in expansion. We can only observe a tiny part of the Big Bang. From where we see, we can't see if only part of it, or all of it, of the black hyper-mass of “La Grande Collision” was pulverized in a nuclear reaction. Or, if only a portion has been expelled (as in the case of the branches of a galaxy expelled from the colliding supermassive black masses). In this hypothesis, our visible universe would not necessarily show us all parts of the clusters. And would not show us if there is a residual black hyper-mass at the point of impact. Since this point is, still to this day, out of range of our telescopes. In this case our universe would have the same shape as a galaxy but, in large scale.
The universe would therefore have been born of a collision and not of an explosion.

Hypothesis 3:
There may have been a partial nuclear reaction and expulsion of material in the form of clusters which would have allowed the formation of black masses more quickly than from atom dust. This explanation is more plausible than the first. Since dust of atoms in an expanding universe could hardly be assembled to form atoms and even more difficult clusters or black masses. There is a probable contradiction in the current Big Bang theory creating atom dust and the idea of reassembling these dusts to form atoms, up to the black masses, while this dust would move away from each other. Hence the hypothesis, than following a collision, we find not only the dust of atoms, but also matter.
In this case too, our universe would have the shape of a hyper-galaxy.
Only at the point of impact, between the two black hyper-masses, There would have been a destructive collision similar to a nuclear hyper-reaction; creator of atom dust and raw material of atoms. And in a second step, clusters of materials, similar to what we see when creating a galaxy. If we were near the point of impact, we can only see the result of a nuclear hyper-reaction. It would be necessary to see closer to the point of impact if there is material resulting directly from the impact rather than from a reassembly of material.
1- “Astronomers have come to a baryonic matter rate of about 4 % of critical density. Now, to explain the flat geometry of the Universe, the total matter of the Universe must represent 30 % of critical density (the 70 % remaining being’dark energy). It is therefore missing 26 % of the critical density in the form of non-baryonic matter ; that is to say, made up of particles other than baryons.”41Source: French : Wikipedia; English Wikipedia. There would have been an expulsion of material in the form of piles. This would confirm my theory about the creation of our universe following an impact between two black hyper-masses.
2- Galaxies have a supermassive black mass that already makes more 10 barely billions of solar masses 1 billion years after “La Grande Collision”. 42Source: French: Ça se passe la haut. English: The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 884, Number 2 (14 october 2019) This would be explained by an ejection of matter following the collision of black hyper-masses.
3- The black hyper-mass (wrongly called black energy) which constituted 63% of the universe is now at 70% of our universe.43Source: French : Youtube This could be explained by the return to the black hyper-mass of material expelled on the periphery of “La Grande Collision”.
4- The universe has a filamentary structure which is similar to that of the arms of galaxies44Source: French : Vice, Astro Univers. English : Astronomy & Astrophysics.. Which would confirm my theory of the branches of our universe.
5- And a rotation of galaxies in the same direction45Source: French : Vice; English : The Astrophysical Journal. which would be explained by an original collision between two black hyper-masses with a rotation that would have been transmitted to the clusters of ejected matter as in the case of a galaxy following the collision of two black masses.
Our telescopes do not allow us to distinguish the part of the universe where the matter of our universe would assemble with the matter of a “Grande Collision”. Since we only observe the visible light part of the universe. And we can not distinguish the dust of others “Grande Collision” other black hyper-masses that cross our part of the universe and assemble along the way with the clusters, stars and black masses of our universe. And we don't see far enough, to be able to see the other galaxies that would be created by others “Grande Collision” outside of our universe. Since we don't even see the limits of our own universe. We would not actually see, at the current maximum, that a 1:10²³ of our universe, with the last satellites sent out of the solar system.
Fact: Objects have been observed by Hubble that appear older than our universe. As has been the case for galaxies Abell 1835 IR1916. Or a galaxy formed only a billion years later “La Grande Collision”, HUDF-JD2, what seems impossible, in so little time. In addition,, it would be too massive to have formed in such a short time after “La Grande Collision”. So there would be galaxies not coming from the matter of “La Grande Collision” of our universe or that were already orbiting one of the two black hyper-masses that coalesced together. These two observations, however, have yet to be confirmed.
If a marineauum atom is 100 000 times denser than conventional material; its attraction will also 100 000 times larger.
The black masses, Even the hypermassive black masses therefore participate, to the global attraction of matter. And it is their gradual estrangement that is responsible for accelerating the expansion of the universe.. The hyper-black mass at about height 70 % of the global attraction and the matter and the black masses of 30% of our universe.
Argument : The cosmological diffuse background is in itself proof that our universe is not flat, because the radiation is diffuse and without horizontality, one can only conclude that it was the result of a collision. If not, if the universe was flat, It would be the result of a flat expansion of a singularity that would have left a flat trace in cosmological radiation.
Provided, Of course, that radiation comes from our universe. If the cosmic microwave background radiation comes from the other universes around us, this data would not inform us in any way about our universe.
Fact: After correcting the distortion of the Milky Way and the stars, there is no linearity in the cosmological diffuse background. See image below.

another argument. If there had been an explosion from a point, the universe would be uniformly diffuse.
Fact: When in reality, a map of space shows us clusters, Laniakea47Source: French : Science et Avenir; English : The Astrophysical Journal. 3D representation available right here, and emptiness.
Another fact: The discovery of the Hyperion galaxy cluster, the 17 of October 2018 dernier, could lead the way to a series of discoveries confirming the presence of clusters, more and more numerous and massive, at the center of our universe. This could lead us to the discovery of & rsquo; a black hyper-mass in the center of our universe.
It should be remembered that pure forms, don't exist in nature. They are anthropocentric forms resulting from the search for perfect forms of theocentric origin.. The universe cannot therefore be or perfectly flat., nor pure spherical shape. The elliptical galactic form is therefore a non-pure form much more likely.
Our universe does not have a curvature of space with positive or negative geometry.
The fact that matter attracts light has no effect in distorting the universe. Only our perception is distorted; not the universe itself.
Only our perception of the universe is curved; not the universe itself. Its actual physical geometry remains Omega = 1. Only certain light rays could remain stuck in orbit around certain masses by having an Omega > 1.
Our universe is in 3 Size; not in one, neither two. The curvature may seem negative to us sometimes, sometimes positive in one dimension or one of the other two depending on the side of the interaction of the masses with light. The universe will appear flat only in the void. As soon as there is matter our vision is distorted by it. The flat form of the universe is, once again, a visually ideal shape, anthropo- and theoretician, but impossible to see without fix.

Top left : Hubble diagram corresponding to the reference analysis using both z cosmic microwave background dipole corrections and 2M++ particular velocity corrections. Encircled regions refer to regions with 20 ° centered on the directions of the negative dipole cosmic microwave background (red) and the cold spot cosmic microwave background (blue). The small circle at the top right (and “x” bottom left) of each panel represents the direction (and the opposite direction) of the motion causing the dipole of the cosmic microwave background.
Top right : as in the top left, but instead using 2MRS particular speed corrections. Left midfield) as in the top left, but instead without applying any particular speed corrections.
Bottom right : as in the top left, but instead applying neither the particular velocity corrections nor the dipole correction of the cosmic microwave background.
Source : The Astrophysical Journal
A new study published, in The Astrophysical Journal in October 2022, compiling multiple observations, adds one more argument to the hypothesis of a universe created from its center. Pantheon+ analysis reveals an accentuated redshift in a region of the universe; and towards blue in an opposite region.
Argument : If the universe is created from a center, and that it has the shape of a galaxy, following a collision between two black hyper-masses, its two branches must move in opposite directions from the center. And depending on our position in this universe, so in one of its branches, We should see a redward phase shift of the end of the universe away from the center of the universe and from us.. As well as an area opposite the center of the universe.
The resultant therefore gives us a universe that is not uniform; as would be the case in the hypothesis of an expansion of the universe as in a “raisin bread”.
Fact : “Finally, we find that systematic uncertainties in the use of SNe Ia along the distance scale account for less than one third of the total uncertainty in the measurement ofH0 and cannot explain the “Hubble voltage” between local measurements and the first predictions of the universe from the cosmological model.”48Source: English : The Astrophysical Journal. This study could therefore make it possible to drive the nail in the coffin of the current cosmological myth.
Finally, Our hypothesis assumes that one of the arms moving away from the center of the universe, is diametrically opposed in latitude and longitude, in space, At the center of the universe; And that's exactly what these charts expose.. We can even glimpse what could be arms of the hyper-galaxy; as well as the arm opposite the center of the universe at the top right which would be behind the center of the universe. While the arm, that would connect our portion to the center of the universe, must be hidden by the Milky Way.

The study of the The Astrophysical Journal also reveals that the universe would be flat with a cosmological constant w= -1. This would also correspond to the hypothesis of a universe with a galaxy shape.

Let's try to debunk some great cosmological myths.
There is nothing to believe in a big crunch potential; otherwise by a reassembly of materials; but not necessarily in the direction of “La Grande Collision” of origin; but rather scattered material from all the universes. Then eventually, of a new collision between two black hyper-masses.
If there is a Big Crunch, at the same place from where came “La Grande Collision”. This assumes that there would remain a hyper black mass, at the center of our universe. And that it would attract the core materials of our universe; who have not been deported, out of its gravitational pull, at the end of its expansion.
Argument : Friedman's equation confirms whether the expansion of the universe is accelerating, deceleration or constant.
- If the expansion decelerates, so there has to be a black hyper-mass that attracts our universe; To, to stop its expansion following an explosion of the universe. For finally, Reverse the movement of clusters near the black hypermass; then attract them into a Big Crunch. If that is the case, We would be located in the portion of clusters near the black hypermass; rather than the most distant part which will escape from its attraction.
- If the expansion is constant, This would mean that the black hypermass was completely pulverized in a hyper-nuclear explosion.. But, this joint hypothesis, is an impossible hypothesis if all of the expelled matter continues is attraction. Which would be the same scenario like the following hypothesis.
- And if there is an acceleration of the expansion, it means we're in the most energetic part of our universe, coming from the point of impact, which tears itself away from the attraction of the black hyper-mass. What the observations show us. So there would be expansion, for the same reasons as those mentioned, in the first part of this text, about the exponential growth of galaxies.
“In 1998, two teams of astronomers, the Supernova Cosmology Project and the High-Z supernovae search team respectively directed by Saul Perlmutter and Brian P. Schmidt, arrived at the unexpected result that the expansion of the Universe seemed to accelerate.”49Source: French : Wikipedia; English : Wikipedia. Which therefore means, that our portion of the universe is torn away from the attraction of a black hyper-mass; what has been wrongly called “Sombre Energy”, or “dark energy” that would represent 68,3% of our universe, against 26,8% for dark matter and 4,9% for matter50Source: French : Wikipedia; English : Wikipedia.. So there is not a static universe as Einstein believed, or deceleration as Friedman believed. But what is called dark energy can contain the total mass of anything that is not considered black mass and matter.. Including not only the black hyper-mass but also the, quasars, etc. Which would explain the low density of dark energy if it is multi-position. While a black hyper-mass, must have a density much higher than that of a black mass and a distance still unknown.
In fact, dark energy would be the perceived manifestation of the black hyper-mass located at the center of our universe. As the supermassive black masses are at the center of galaxies.
The ratio 68,3, 26,8 and 4,9%, of dark materials and materials, as well as the age of our universe, should allow us to calculate the total mass of the two black hyper-masses, during the collision originating in our universe; as well as speed and impact force, after calculating the position, the density and the distance.
In fact, gravity and dark energy are nothing but manifestations of the attraction of bodies. Whose strength is proportional to the mass and density of matter.
All the matter of space, including from other universes – albeit with almost no effect, attracts the material all the time.
The question of the speed of attraction of bodies between them, in space, does not even arise. Bodies constantly attracting themselves, This force is continuously exerted and cannot be induced from a moment or a zero point. The attraction being permanent between the bodies, it will increase and decrease depending on the density, distance and mass of bodies. To Calculate the Speed of the Attractive Force, this force should be eliminated. What can't be done; since all matter in the universes exerts a force of attraction permanently according to masses and distances.
To know the location of our original black hyper-mass, we would have to be able to calculate where our universe came from and then detect the waves (similar to that of the supermassive black masses) that could be issued from this location to confirm its existence.
From the expansion path, it should be easy to find the point of origin of “La Grande Collision”, and so, of the original black hyper-mass.
But depending on its distance, this point could be tiny; and get lost in all the waves coming from other universes; and especially the black masses of our universe.
If the big bang origin of a collision between two hyper black masses. Needless to say, the myth of the origin of the big bang from a mass smaller than an atom, holds more far-fetched hypotheses than verified and verifiable hypotheses.
Since the portion of the visible universe is infinitesimal. It would be inappropriate to draw too hasty a conclusion about the original size of the mass that led to the big bang.
This original mass, smaller than an atom, would actually be the point of impact of two black hyper-masses.
As the clusters move away from the center of the black hypermass, as a result of “La Grande Collision”, the attraction of the clusters on the black nucleus diminishes. The black core therefore folds in on itself. Which explains the increase in the density of the nucleus as our universe is ejected far from its center.
Argument: We observe a cooling of the universe as our universe expands.
Following the original impact, the black core closes on itself and cools.
The densification of the core of the black hyper-mass and the fact that as it moves away the universe expands, come to invalidate the theory of Big Rip.
It remains to be evaluated whether the distance of the clusters will densify the galaxies or not, clusters, matter, molecules, etc. as they move away from the new black hyper-mass. Or, if it had no effect, as we might assume.
But as galaxies are also explosions as a result of coalescence, or a collision, it is difficult to measure the two opposite forces. The forces of expulsion and attraction which partially cancel each other out, but which can explain the slow-motion explosion of the galaxies we observe.
The existence of other “Grande Collision” in universes external to ours could explain the presence of cosmic rays. “loaded mainly from protons (88%), nuclei of helium (9%), the rest being made up of electrons, of different nucleons (atom nuclei) as well as tiny amounts light antimatter (antiprotons and positrons). The neutral part consists of gamma rays as well as neutrinos.”51Source: French: Wikipedia; English: Wikipedia. It would be interesting to compare this charge with what would be a nuclear hyper reaction between two black hyper-masses.
Argument: the composition of cosmic rays strangely resembles that of nuclei (88 to 90 % of protons)52Source : French : Wikipedia. English : Wikipedia.rather than that of the stars, like the sun, which mainly emit photons and neutrinos.53A GUIDE TO THE NUCLEAR SCIENCE WALL CHART, Chapter 10. And “the most energetic particles come from interstellar and intergalactic space. (…) In 2017, the first confirmations of the geographic origin of high-energy radiation are given by the publication of the result of 12 years measures taken since 2004 at the Pierre-Auger Observatory in Malargüe in Argentina54Source : French : Wikipedia. English : Wikipedia.
The Pierre Auger Collaboration, "Observation of a large-scale anisotropy in the arrival directions of cosmic rays above 8 ×?1018 eV », Science, Vol. 357, No.o 6357,? 22 September 2017, pp. 1266-1270(Doi 10.1126/science.aan4338). : this radiation is clearly extragalactic, coming from galaxies located in a part of the space located beyond the confines of the Milky Way.”55Source: French: Wikipedia; English : Wikipedia.
1- The exponential expansion of the universe, itself remains to be confirmed. This expansion can result from the capture of red rays due to the aging of the stars observed or from the expansion of the galaxies itself.
2- Is the length of the ray between us and another galaxy, relative to the central point of origin of “La Grande Collision” that increases? Or, is it the distance between us and a galaxy following the same trajectory compared to “La Grande Collision” that increases?
If the expansion of the universe is exponential, due to its getting away from a black hyper-mass located in its center, we should observe an exponential expansion of the galaxies according to the size of the supermassive black mass in their center.
Argument: If expansion was accelerating only, it would be the attraction of the surrounding material moving away which would be responsible for the acceleration. The traveling speed, minus the force of attraction of the surrounding materials moving away to the square of the distance. But if the speed of expansion is exponential, so there is a black hyper-mass at the center of our universe.
Fact: The expansion of our universe is exponential; so there is most likely a black hyper-mass at the center of our universe.
The expansion of our universe is exponential because of the square reduction of the attraction force of all bodies (matter, black masses and hyper-black mass).
Likewise, our place of observation does not allow us to see that our universe may itself be part of …hyper-galaxy. Coming from “La Grande Collision” between two hyper black masses!
Like space, which is currently visible to us, doesn't even represent 1% of our universe. Other observations will be needed, to determine its shape and confirm its origin.
The collision of two black hyper-masses would explain the flat shape of our visible universe; Similar to the flat shape of galaxies after coalescence, or the collision, of two supermassive black masses. Which would explain the absence of curvature of our universe.
The only curvature would be that of the branches. But, to observe them you would have to see the whole from a very great distance; and looking in the right direction.
What our telescopes do not allow for the moment.
To confirm whether our universe comes from a big bang or a collision between two black hyper-masses. We should see if our universe is spherical (resulting from an explosion or a crash centered) or elliptical (if a result of an off-center collision). But, for the time being, this type of observation, in our close universe, is not possible. Maybe in the future, not so far away, Extrasolar satellites, See extragalactic, will be able to send us the information.
Our universe being more “young” than other universes, it would have a lesser proportion of black masses; following a “Grande Collision”. While an old universe, would consist essentially of black masses or black hyper-masses.
Only observations outside our universe, impossible at the moment, would allow us to confirm that.
The densification of the core of the black hypermass, and the fact that galaxies are expanding, invalidates the Big Rip theory.
As galaxies and universes are the result of coalescence, or an explosion following a collision, it is difficult to measure the two original opposing forces of expulsion and attraction. Expulsion and attraction forces that cancel each other out, partly, but which explain the slow-motion explosion, of the galaxies that we observe.
To know the origin of the forces involved, you'd have to know the size of the black masses, their density (so their temperatures)56Einstein's formula, curvature = matter – Energy, is therefore imprecise if it does not take into account the density; therefore the temperature of a body to determine the curvature of the attraction; which is also mutual., their speeds (Energy), their original directions, and their distances before impact.
Once the two black masses unified, the new mass has an attractive force greater than their original individual attraction forces. The two forces of attraction adding up.
This new force of attraction, being greater than the original, the matter in orbit around the old nuclei can be attracted towards its center; if the new force of attraction is greater than the centripetal force of the material expelled during previous collisions. While the material, which still has a centripetal force greater than the force of attraction of the new nucleus, will continue to move away, but with a speed lower than that which preceded the fusion of the nuclei.
So there is a LITTLE CRUNCH, for the material which is with a centripetal force lower than the new force of attraction of the new core. Matter at the center of galaxies, extricating itself from the attraction of the supermassive black mass, suddenly find themselves attracted by the new supermassive black mass whose attractiveness is amplified by the new merger. It must be the same, for matter orbiting a black hyper-mass.
Argument: At the beginning of coalescence, or collision, between two black hyper-masses, energy is at its extreme point; expelling heat, energy, light, photons, particles of elementary matter, etc. at high speed. So we have inflation with maximum energy in the first moment of the collision. As the two black hyper-masses interpenetrate, the penetration speed is reduced; the expulsion of energy slowly turns into the expulsion of materials of all sizes; ranging from atoms to black masses; and at a decreasing speed, as the two black hyper-masses merge.
Once the coalescence is complete, there is no more expulsion; and more necessarily evaporation. And at that moment, All matter near the dark matter core is attracted to it, as much in the case of a black mass as of a black hyper-mass. And matter that has sufficient centrifugal strength, moves away from the black mass exponentially or gravitates more or less long around the black mass, depending on the distance from it.
Fact : It is estimated that there was rapid cosmological inflation at the beginning and slower thereafter. Then, There is an exponential acceleration in the expansion of the universe.57Source : French : Wikipedia; English : Wikipedia.
What Hawking called evaporation, must instead be atoms ejected by the ejected material, approaching non-perpendicular to the black mass; while being bombarded with electrons. Only matter crossing the horizon of the black mass perpendicular, or large (with enough mutual attraction), is attracted directly to the center of the black mass; not without undergoing electron bombardment, which will also create a mass of hydrogen moving perpendicular, in contrast to the black mass.
As the majority of the universe would be, much more, made up of black masses colliding; that total mass of stars.. It would be fairer to say that we are made up of black mass dust; much more than dust… of stars58Friendly little nod to Hubert Reeves, and his book entitled “Stardust”..
Eternity can only be possible, as long as there are collisions to heat up the universe.. The day when all the black hyper-masses have merged into a single mass, the universe will cool forever..
If, during collisions between black masses, Most of the matter remains in the black core, in the long term, in an infinitely long time, all the matter will end in a single black hyper-mass. There will, therefore, be no more collision, no more star, no more life possible before an eternity necessary for the evaporation of all the black totality, so that, afterwards, the outer space perpetually begins again the cycle of creation of universes.
Provided that a black mass does not need the bombardment of electrons from an external mass to evaporate. In that case, there would be no more activity in the entire space.
Coming soon, light and atomic clock are influenced by gravitation.
Thank you so much for leaving a comment.
Yves Marineau, Sociologist
written from March 2 , 2018 to the February 10 December 2022 from ideas germinated in previous years.
Reproduction permitted provided the source is next : http://yvesmarineau.com/blog/2018/10/20/origine-des-galaxies-et-de-lunivers
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- Unprecedented Near-infrared Brightness and Variability of Sgr A, The Astrophysical Journal Letters.
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- Nasa | Colliding Neutron Stars Create Black Hole and Gamma-ray Burst, Youtube.
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Footnotes :
Click on the note number in the text to see the note59Click
- 1I prefer to use the term black mass; rather than a black hole. Although a black mass seems to be a hole where the light dies; it is in fact a mass that attracts all materials, and lights, that pass nearby. Avoiding far-fetched speculation, such as those that a black hole is a time space for time travel; or between two black holes. Aside from traveling to an insured death, there is no other permit time travel!
- 2Like the myth of the goddess Hera, whose milk spray from her breast would have created the milky way!
- 3Or, as we'll see, coalescence
- 4Source : French : Futura-Science
- 5Source : English : Nature
- 6Source : French : Futura-Sciences; English : Nature.
- 7Source: French : Wikipedia.
- 8Source: French : Wikipedia.
- 9Source: French : Futura Sciences; English : Nature.
- 10Source: French : Youtube
- 11Source: French : Futura Sciences; English : Nature.
- 12Source: French: Sputnik France; English : Nature Astronomy.
- 13See the study with an erroneous assumption published in “Astronomy and Astrophysics“.
- 14
- 15Source: French: Futura Science; English: Cornell University.
- 16Source: French: Ça se passe la haut. English: The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 884, Number 2 (14 october 2019)
- 17We must not confuse, the density of the nucleus and density of a black mass. The core is always dense; while his horizon will be even greater, therefore less dense, that the electron cloud will be great. Density data: French : Youtube
- 18Source: French: Ça se passe la haut. English: The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 884, Number 1 (10 october 2019)
- 19Source: NASA video Youtube.
- 20
- 21Source: French AFP : Orange, Nouvel Observateur.
- 22
- 23
- 24
- 25Source: French : Wikipedia;
English : Wikipedia.
https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/0034-4885/67/7/R04 - 26
- 27The data differ depending on whether one refers to the English or French version of the information.
Source: French : Wikipedia;
English : Wikipedia.
Hawking, Stephen W. (1971). “Gravitationally collapsed objects of very low mass”. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 152: 75. Bibcode:1971MNRAS.152…75H. Doi:10.1093/MNRAS/152.1.75 - 28
- 29Source: French : Daily Geek Show. English : Phys
More information : Tuan Do et al. Unprecedented Near-infrared Brightness and Variability of Sgr A*,The Astrophysical Journal (2019). Doi: 10.3847/2041-8213/ab38c3
Zhuo Chen et al. Consistency of the Infrared Variability of SGR A* over 22 Yr, The Astrophysical Journal (2019). Doi: 10.3847/2041-8213/ab3c68
- 30Source: French : Futura-Science.
- 31
- 32
- 33
- 34“Sky and Telescope organized a competition in 1993 to find a more appropriate name, The judges received no less than 13 099 Answers. None of them were found worthy of supplanting the "inappropriately belligerent" name of Hoyle. ( Beatty and Fienberg 1994 )” Source : https://academic.oup.com/astrogeo/article/54/2/2.28/302975?login=false. Perhaps we should be glad that we didn't start using another term without first having an explanation to name.
- 35This information is valid provided that the measured particles are not deflected by the stars in their path..
- 36
- 37There are many other similar astrophysical myths to be debunked; like time travel, parallel universes, problem of flatness or curvature of the universe, deformation of space and time by a mass, etc. As we will see in Part Three
- 38Source: French : Futura Science.
English :
Before the big bang: An outrageous new perspective and its implications for particle physics.
Apparent evidence for Hawking points in the CMB Sky
Aeons Before the Big Bang?
Concentric circles in WMAP data may provide evidence of violent pre-Big-Bang activity - 39Also called: French : supermassive black hole; English : Wikipedia.
- 40
- 41
- 42Source: French: Ça se passe la haut. English: The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 884, Number 2 (14 october 2019)
- 43Source: French : Youtube
- 44
- 45Source: French : Vice; English : The Astrophysical Journal.
- 46
- 47Source: French : Science et Avenir; English : The Astrophysical Journal. 3D representation available right here
- 48Source: English : The Astrophysical Journal.
- 49
- 50
- 51
- 52
- 54Source : French : Wikipedia. English : Wikipedia.
The Pierre Auger Collaboration, "Observation of a large-scale anisotropy in the arrival directions of cosmic rays above 8 ×?1018 eV », Science, Vol. 357, No.o 6357,? 22 September 2017, pp. 1266-1270(Doi 10.1126/science.aan4338). - 55
- 56Einstein's formula, curvature = matter – Energy, is therefore imprecise if it does not take into account the density; therefore the temperature of a body to determine the curvature of the attraction; which is also mutual.
- 57
- 58Friendly little nod to Hubert Reeves, and his book entitled “Stardust”.
- 59Click
In the first chapter , the origin of galaxies, I do not understand videos !
They represent 2 black masses approaching and colliding.
But their paths are not straight ! On the video 2 black masses parallel paths. As if they were unaware ! Why ?
When 2 immensely dense bodies approach one another the huge mutual attraction causes the 2 body are heading on each other. So on a line through the center of each dense body.
What do you think ?
Hello Jean-Luc,
There are two possible types of collisions.
If the two masses are moving directly on each other, there will be collision with high impact. This scenario is very rare. It is necessary that the two masses are moving exactly one over the other. (video 1)
If the two masses pass close to each other, they will be attracted to each other. If they are too far, they will only change their trajectories, because of the mutual attraction, or, only slow their trajectories if they pass close with high velocity (Video 6).
If they pass close enough to each other, low speed or low speed, they will attract each other with coalescence if the attractive force is greater than the force of the movement speed. In that case, There will be rotation as seen in the video 3 and the collision of neutron stars (video 5).
They will not head directly toward each other (unless it is their initial trajectory); they will attract as a curve. A bit like in the case of satellite sent into the solar system and whose trajectory will bend passing near a planet.
The three determining factors whether there will coalesce or not, therefore the distance, the mass and velocity. If the distance and / or speed are too big, or too low mass, there will be no coalescence.
The postman, will determine that it will be the impact force after coalescence, depends on the distance, the mass and the speed of initial approach induced by the attraction of the two masses. In the case of coalescence of two masses, passing a short distance from one another and at low speed, there may be fusion of the two masses with little impact force.
But, obviously, more masses are large, as in the case of the black masses, plus the attractive force will be large and will create greater galaxy or… greater universe!
Thank you for the question!