As the Civil Code of Québec requires parents to pay tuition fees of children, here is what is, equivalent tax, the proposed annual fee increase university tuition, Government of Quebec, expected dated 27 April 2012 for 2019 in today's dollars:
For parents, rising tuition 1 625 $ correspond to a tax increase 13 to 18 % for the middle class.
For taxable income of 45 000 $/year with a tax rate of 20 % who pays 9 000 $/d'an import :
-The increase 1 625 $ represents a tax increase 18 %.
For income 64 000 $ with a tax rate of 20 % who pays 12 800 $/d'an import :
– The increase 1 625 $ represents a tax increase 13 %.
Wealthier CLASS TAX INCREASE OF 13 to 0,09 %.
For the more affluent class is to increase 13 to 0,09 %.
For income 8 000 000 $ with a tax rate of 24 % who will pay 1 920 000 $/d'an import.
The increase 1 625 $ represents a tax increase 0,09 %.
People without children, or without a child to college, have an increase of 0%!
The problem? A day before Anglo-Saxon charter dating from Canadian 1982 and which guarantees :
"The right of Canadian citizens under the paragraphs (1) and (2) to educate their children, at the primary and secondary levels" only!
Which is quite contradictory to the government's desire to encourage parents to have children.
If a child to college is the equivalent of having to pay a tax hike 18% for parents throughout the university tray post-doctoral, imagine what it is for parents who have 2, 3 see more children who go to university during their lives and taxpayer worst… Imagine if every child must go to college at the same time as what it means lower revenue for parents all these years.
The right to education should it not be so universal non-amenable as all the other rights? University Including?
In order not to penalize, once again, the middle class.
As, as always, right-wing parties have a tendency to still indirectly increase taxes for the middle class while reducing almost to nothing those of more affluent.
While dozens of countries, and rapidly developing countries, University offer their citizens free.
Yves Marineau
P.S. Any reproduction permitted, provided the following source:
Frankly Marineau
You're a sociologist, not a tax. Instead of saying stupid things get informed.
I am very open to comments! If you are a tax professional can clarify.
You might be able to variants based on deductions.
But one fact remains, for a person earning 50 000 $/year an increase of tuition fees 1 625 $/an (per child to college) represents the equivalent of an indirect tax increase for the duration of their child's education.
While for someone earning 1 million $ year it is the equivalent of a very small increase of indirect taxes.
Striker little purchasing power of the affluent but about reducing 5% purchasing power of middle class… per child to college!
…And not attacking at all the purchasing power of those who do not have children.
So this is a regressive tax that unfairly penalizes the purchasing power of people.