J’ACCUSE ! In response to the criminal government of Canada, his environment minister and parties that make tacit collusion with the government in power (Liberals).
Oil burning. It destroys, hurt, sickens and kills.
Focus on economy to health, to life, etc. is a criminal act.
When you drag us before the international criminal court the Canadian government, and opposition parties who support the minority government, for crimes against humanity ?
J’ACCUSE ! Along, all states, companies and individuals who promote oil and who uses. And therefore take all, hate speech against all global citizens and their descendants.
Denying them the right to live in peace. Far from natural disasters compounded by climate disruption. Far from diseases caused by pollution and away from the death that follows.
Need I remind you that the murder by pollution has become the biggest holocaust in the history of mankind with millions of deaths each year ?
Plus every day thousands and soon tens of thousands of deaths due to climate change.
The West no longer kills by burning oil all Islamic countries and dictatorial oil producers gathered.
Say that oil can be ethical is heresy. Ultimately one could say that oil can be more ethical from some countries over others. But, in the case of oil sands, being more polluting, it is less ethical than the worst dictatorships on the planet! Since the biggest killers in the world do not wear turbans but, jackets, tie!
Oil alone ethics, it is oil that is left underground.
If we had used oil only for basic needs, such as food production, we would not speak today of pollution, or climatic changes murderers, and even fewer famines.
Pay more for a TV 54 inches, because it was produced in a clean, and transported with means as clean energy. Not stop anyone from living well, and healthy living. And this, without harming the economy. That would only develop a new clean economy so,... ethics ! But to do, we need a coalition of all States[1].
In the limit, if prices are higher, anyone can replace the purchase of a TV 54 inches produced by polluting, by a model ... 52 or 50 inch product itself.
Because any sane person, rather watch a TV 52 inch of his life by staying healthy. Rather than watching a TV 54 inches and, die after years of illness, being made in only half of his life.
There was worse than the genocide, there is the mass suicide that we are committing every day.
When half of the farmland will be submerged. It will be too late to prevent planetary holocaust.
Not, M. Harper I do not see the economic interest to see, one day, in my house 40 meters of salty water !
But I guess that leaves you indifferent from the top of your meadows and fields ?
It seems to be no humanity, ni vertu, in individuals who put their economic interests, short-term, before the common interests.
The "con-servatives" do not be concerned about the opinion of future generations, on the attitude of primates barbaric that people today have had on the environment. But, we nevertheless, all have a duty to minimize, see eradicated, maximum the negative effects they will have on the 10, 100 see 1000 years. A final study[2] provides an increase in sea level of 4 meters and unprecedented natural disasters, for the 1 000 coming years even if we immediately stop polluting completely. So, imagine if we continue to pollute as we do, and even worse, if the pollution augment!
M. Harper, beyond doubt, the pollution your.
So the question is : Is it permissible to kill in Canada ? Yes ? Or not ?
To make it simpler. M. Harper :
Does it have the right to kill, en polluant, just for TVs 54 inches cost less ?
The first duty to which every citizen is expected it not for the government to protect the lives of all ?[3]
So, Will he have to drag the Canadian government, before the International Criminal Court, for crimes against humanity ?
Will he get here, and that we care for ? I'm on ?
The basic principle of conservatism, being to live in the present, as if we were in the past, not taking into account that the reality today is not yesterday's. I fear that the "con-servatives", leave us no choice.
Are you there volunteer lawyers in the room ?
Yves Marineau
Founder of
Movement for True Democracy
and the Ethics Committee for the Certification
Montreal, 8 January 2011
Source :
[1] See my manifesto here : (format eBook gatuit)
[2] Canadian press :
[3] On this subject see my text here :